A conscious person here observes, the problems and solutions for the movement 
reside in the first three sutras of the TM-siddhis.

 A conscious person here observes, the problems and solutions for the movement 
reside in the first three sutras of the TM-siddhis.
 The first three sutras (maitrî, karunâ, muditâ) are the beginning set of the 
TM-Sidhi program. However, they are not listed in the third section of the YS 
(vibhuti-pada) which focuses on developing the siddhis. Rather, they occupy a 
significant place in the first section of the YS because they are important 
means to cultivate sattvic lucidity (prasâda). By practicing these bhâvâna-s 
(contemplative processes) in normal daily life, outside of meditative sanyama, 
this cultivation of lucidity becomes the means to generate steadiness in a firm 
single-pointed attention.  This is the view expressed in the commentaries of 
both Vyasa and Shankara.
 The obvious reason that the “administrators” lack these qualities is that they 
never cultivate them outside of tm-sidhis. Further, they are corrupted by the 
small amount of power they gather from their executive positions. 
 This is the same story seen everywhere. Guess that why it is called the 
Unifies Field.
 Here is the short form for developing these bhâvânas:
 The Four Brahma Viharas
 A guided meditation by Ven. Ayya Khema
 Think of the four brahma viharas, the four supreme emotions, loving-kindness, 
compassion, sympathetic joy (joy with others), and equanimity. And see them, as 
the Buddha explained them, as the only emotions worth having. Nothing else has 
any real place in our hearts. And think of your heart as yearning to be filled 
with love and compassion, with joy with others, and equanimity. See your heart 
as yearning for that and then fill it with those emotions. The warmth of love. 
The care of compassion. The generosity of joy with others. And the peacefulness 
of equanimity. Fill your heart to the brim.
 And now spread the love and compassion, the joy with others, and the 
equanimity throughout this room. So that there is the warmth and the care, the 
generosity and the peacefulness of it all through this room, so that everyone 
can partake of it.
 And now, let these four emotions, with their warmth and their caring, their 
generosity and their peacefulness emanate from your heart and reach out to the 
people who are close to you, so that they can have part of it, without 
expecting that you can get the same back.
 Now let all your friends partake of the beautiful emanation from your heart. 
Loving and compassionate. Caring and peaceful.
 Now reach out to other people you know. Neighbors. People you might work with. 
Those you meet in everyday life. Let the heart full of loving-kindness and 
compassion reach out to all these people that you can think of.
 Now think about anyone towards whom you have some negative feeling in your 
ordinary life - but don't change your heart now. Allow it to retain love and 
compassion, joy with others, and equanimity and let those same emotions reach 
out to that difficult person.
 Now feel your heart emanating these beautiful rays of love and compassion, the 
warmth and the caring, the giving and peacefulness and let these rays go out 
into the world and touch people’s hearts near and far. Think of the people 
around here and then go further afield. Let these beautiful rays and emanations 
from your heart go to as many hearts as you can find.
 Then put your attention back on yourself and feel the warmth of 
loving-kindness and the peacefulness of giving permeate you, fill you and 
surround you. The warmth in the heart brings joy and the peacefulness that 
surrounds you brings a feeling of security.
 May beings everywhere love each other.



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