Compassion, for the guru.. 

 "..I just finished reading Robes of Silk Feet of Clay, the second edition. 
There was a MMY quote at the end, that I feel 95% sure is what I recall. 

 "You may hear some things about me..." (I remember him saying something to 
suggest it would be in the future) "Just know me in your heart. Know me in your 
heart." -MMY

 I remember what initially caught my attention was that he paused during 
speaking. The pause went on for longer than his usual pattern of speaking. 
Then, in a reflective, and a tone of voice that was uncharacteristic of him - a 
little shy or sad - he said these words.
 Interesting... Personally, I think it is great to get this sort of info out 
there. Seeing MMY's human struggles along with his many accomplishments 
inspired compassion in me. Not that I want to sign up to be in the dome, but to 
see him more on a human level, freed up a lot of energy in me. Always a good 

 -sent to the owner of FFL at the homepage.. 



---In, <> wrote :


---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In, <emily.mae50@...> wrote :

 Every time I see this man's face, I think "pedophile" and "madman." 

 I will watch and read more about him. His little conjuring tricks look faked 
even from my POV watching the video, it was almost embarrassing. But, I will 
investigate further before I make up my mind one way or the other. I like his 
description of why the "manifestation" of the trinkets and ash is useful in 
spiritual teaching better than the act of producing these things. I wonder if 
any of them ever had "Made in China" stamped on them.  

 On further googling there are a bunch of debunking videos on Youtube, with 
regard to Mr Baba and also other Indian fakers out there. Here is just one of 
them, I'm sure you've all watched these kinds of exposes before.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :


 Nice reflection.  About how he was touched by him.

 ..and it is very interesting what miracles do for most people who are ready to 
see them. They give a flicker of faith in the possibility that things aren’t 
the way that you thought they were.


---In, <martin.quickman@...> wrote :

 Touching report from Ram Dass on his meeting Sai Baba back in those early days 
of the 1960’s.

A Flicker Of Faith, Ram Dass - Early Sai Baba Devotees
 A Flicker Of Faith, Ram Dass - Early Sai Baba Devotees
       Touching report from Ram Dass on his meeting Sai Baba back in those 
early days of the 1960's. He tells us here how Baba created a ring for him. He 
tells u...

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