No, I never watched his show. I'm not a Trump fan.He does have a knack for 
getting people worked up and to listen and talk about him. He does resonate 
with people. Obama did the same. Obama said things that made people think he 
was addressing their personal concerns and was going to make things all better 
without saying how. Hope and change! I never bought it. I could see right 
through him. He never gave specifics. When he started talking about *spreading 
the wealth around* I knew that was code for socialism.
I still don't think Trump will get the nomination, although he looks pretty 
strong right now. Personally, I like Cruz. He is authentic and a very good 
debater and argued many cases before the Supreme Court.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2016 1:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] From My Home Town
    did you ever watch his show, "The Apprentice"? I watched several seasons of 
it, so I've seen a lot of The Donald before. Nothing different this time; he is 
a master salesman and master marketeer - except the product is The Presidency 
vs. a golf course or hotel. And despite not being qualified for the job, he is 
acing the interview.
A salesman, like Trump, always sells the sizzle, not the steak - I read several 
transcripts of Trump speeches and they are surprisingly mild, almost 
inconsequential. What upsets people so much is the *perceptions* he creates, 
and one way he is so successful is the same way a salesman is - he doesn't 
involve himself in a long contract, or well laid out speeches on policy, he 
just paints pictures of this country that resonate with his audience, without 
committing to anything. One of the best pitchmen I have seen. It is impossible 
to pin him down, and yet his momentum continues.
However, if he wins the Republican nomination, which he may, there is 
absolutely zero chance of him being elected President. 

---In, <awoelflebater @...> wrote :

---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

I'd vote him in for a third term - He is the most responsible, and concerned 
President we have had in a looong time. It has been a stain on this country 
that the racists in Congress sought not to work with him, mainly due to the 
color of his skin. 
The one brilliant result of the "W" presidency was that it exposed for the 
country, the facist foundation that the ruling class seeks to promote; too big 
to fail institutions, tax breaks for the wealthy during wartime, gutting social 
security, trashing the environment for $$$, consumer interest rates at zero, 
rising commodity prices in the face of abundance, etc. A very radical agenda by 
the ultra-rich, bordering on domestic terrorism. Their bombs explode much more 
slowly, but cause many more casualties. I don't think a Republican could get 
elected President now, with all the money in the world, and that's a good thing.
And Trump is the front runner in the Republican bid for the White House. What 
the hell does that tell you?
I have an employee, she is fairly young, and she loves Obama (although she is 
far from political) and didn't realize a US President could only occupy the 
White House for two terms unlike Canadian PM's who can stick around a lot 
longer. She was hoping he might be re-elected in the case he could actually run 
again. She is horrified by Trump - can't believe her eyes. Man, that guy is 
such a colossal embarrassment for not only the US but for the GOP. Astounding. 
So, I would have to agree that a Democrat will be inhabiting the walls of the 
White House again after the November election, in that way we can thank the 

---In, <emily.mae50@...> wrote :

Geeeezzz.  If we'd had an even marginally semi-cooperative Congress, Obama 
could have been an extremely effective president. Bush was a complete disaster; 
how quickly so many forget where we were at when he left office.  We are 
definitely in a better place now.  I'm with the guy from Canada on this one.  
---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

Wow, that's too bad.  This guy beensnowed!  For one thing the economy isn't 
good at all.  Obama outand out lied about that!  It's like he's hanging out in 
Washingtonstate and smoking ganja.  New jobs?  Of course there were someseason 
hires for the holiday season.  It happens every year andthose are not permanent 
jobs nor do the pay much.  In fact mostnew jobs don't pay much.

America is leading the world?  Where?  I don't think the rest ofthe world 
respects a country that bombs innocent civilians. 

People voted for Obama to get rid of the taste of Bush.  But Obamajust kept on 
with the same ol' same ol'.  Then people votedagainst Romney because they 
trusted him even less. 

I would have expected you to know economics far better than this. Must not have 
been your best subject.

Or did somebody or something put a pod outside your door? 
Haha, no. I think Obama (and here we are getting into politics, the dangerous 
subject where no one ever changes anyone's mind) has done the best he could 
given the terrible resistance he has run into with Congress and the shmazzle of 
the previous Bush government to fix, the guy was reduced to running on 1 
cylinder. I think it is easy to be very, very critical of the man or woman 
running your own country. No one can work miracles especially when so many are 
running blocker on them. If you are unhappy with your country's situation you 
can not look to one man to blame. You need to look at the past, the present in 
terms of how your government is operating and how they are a very real 
impediment or detriment to what someone is trying to do, even if what they are 
trying to do seems like a positive or good thing. No man runs the Presidency 
alone. I personally believe Obama to be a good human being. He is not a miracle 
worker nor is he infallible. However, a good human being does not guarantee an 
effective Presidential candidate.
What I do agree with you on is that I don't necessarily assert that  "America 
is leading the world". However, the point of my posting this was to illustrate 
how Canadians feel about your President.

On 01/16/2016 06:54 PM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]wrote:

  This is how many Canadians feel about Obama. Thisparticular letter to the 
Editor was penned by someonefrom Victoria.

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