---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

 Re "Did she say how she thought they would do this?  . . . Would cause a 
gigantic ruckus."


 I think Bonnie is right about the principle though. (I've heard it mentioned 
before.) The delegates who eventually choose the one presidential *candidate* 
for their party are not actually legally bound to respect the wishes of the 
voters in their particular state. And Trump could scare GOP shitless.

 They aren't legally bound, but it really wouldn't be possible to get all 
Trump's delegates (assuming, as you said, that he has an overwhelming win in 
the primaries and caucuses) to switch to someone else. That tactic would have a 
chance only in a close contest going in. Primaries and caucuses are "just 
advisory" only in the most technical sense, not in any practical sense unless, 
as I say, the contest is neck-and-neck to start with.

 Just wondering if that situation has ever happened before.


 There was a lot of complaining from elements of the Clinton campaign about 
manipulation of delegates to give Obama the win at the 2008 Democractic 
convention, but it wasn't anywhere near clear-cut enough to get anywhere. See 
here for a good account from 2008 of the preliminaries and the complications 

 Who won Super Tuesday? http://www.salon.com/2008/02/07/delegates_2/ 
 Who won Super Tuesday? http://www.salon.com/2008/02/07/delegates_2/ Barack 
Obama and Hillary Clinton are both claiming victory. But given the way 
delegates are awarded, the only clear victors are the spin doctors.
 View on www.salon.com http://www.salon.com/2008/02/07/delegates_2/ 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 There was some fear of a brokered convention because the delegate count was so 
close, but Clinton, not wanting a major crisis, released her delegates to vote 
for Obama and moved that he be nominated by acclamation halfway through the 
delegate vote. 

 Bonnie sounded confident it would happen this time; I'm thinking, like you, it 
could precipitate a crisis of epic proportions.


 Yeah, she really doesn't know what she's talking about. I suppose it's 
conceivable if Trump and Cruz, say, are very close going into the convention, 
but not otherwise and not likely even then.

 If the worst happens and neither of two candidates gets a majority after a 
bunch of ballots, then you might have a compromise candidate. But that's even 
less likely.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

 What's the point?  

 I was listening to Yank playwright Bonnie Greer today and she mentioned 
something that really shook me: Trump has no chance of becoming President (no - 
that bit didn't shake me!) because even if he wins every caucus/primary he 
contests the Republican bigwigs will block his candidature. That last bit was 
the shocker.

 Did she say how she thought they would do this? There's no official mechanism 
for it that I know of. They could try to subvert the Republican nominating 
convention to give someone else the nomination, but it would be highly iffy and 
would cause a gigantic ruckus.

 So these primaries are in the end just advisory! The Democrat and GOP 
establishments will just pat you on the head and tell you they will "listen" to 
your concerns.

 Um, no. Not sure what Greer was on about, but it sounds to me like conspiracy 
theorizing, not reality. (BTW, the adjective is "Democratic," not "Democrat.")









 Has it ever actually happened in US history that the popular choice for 
Presidential contender - Red or Blue -has been overturned at the final hurdle?

 It's freezing out there. Stay indoors.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <rick@...> wrote :

 Law in Iowa requires employers to give people time off if they don't have at 
least 3 hours to caucus during caucus hours. Pass it on! A lot of people I'm 
hearing from don't know this and think they can't vote Bernie Monday because 
they have to work! But they can. We need to get the word out! Empower the 
 Iowa Code ยง 49.109
 Please tell your friends.

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