Well, To have 'faith' in the Unified Field by virtue of spiritual experience
 would not necessarily be a 'theism'. Different than 'belief' it could be is 
just how the watch mechanism works as fluctuating Being in experience. 

  Transcendental meditationists for instance, transcendentalism, like the 
American and old European transcendentalists by experience 'sans-diety' and and 
free from a theism go way back. Not theology or philosophy but experience.  
 Yes, the human nervous system as a reflector of Being goes way back in time.   
Ideology, separate from spiritual experience, -ism with the zealotry of 
religious people and their held 'idea' forms of 'belief' about the world goes 
way back too. ..”If only you would just be with us and believe in Allah, or 
 Spiritual people who really know other wisely by experience tend to separate 
and just go under ground faced with such stupid inquisition. ..in time and 
 Even now this is the very conflict between the religious in TM and 
practitioners of meditation. “Do you believe like us?” If not, then no badge to 
get in... regardless. With some vindictiveness, like written within the TM 
guidelines, for letting/getting in the Domes to meditate with the group the 
'religious' destroy the 'spiritual' experience in time, again and again. 
 Likewise, the meditators in TM are mostly gone now. Look at Rick Archer's 
Buddha-at-the-gas-pump. Batgap.com .  The old TM'ers he has interviewed though 
they meditate are mostly gone and likely not admissible at all as spiritual as 
they are by what are now the policy guidelines that still effect the access to 
group meditations in the Domes and Peace Palaces of the movement by what are 
administrative rigid ideological guideline of some religious of TM . Evidently 
History repeats itself real fast,

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <s3raph...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 New Statesman has a review of a new book that argues that atheism has a long 
history stretching back to the Ancient Greeks so isn't the product of modern 
science its current advocates maintain. The review was mostly favourable but 
did point out that atheists of old were far from being the full-on materialists 
we have today. 
 Anyway this passage amused me :

  Yet it is possible, even in the light of this book, to interpret ancient 
atheism in a rather different way. The more we know about those philosophers 
whom the ancients described asatheoi, the less like contemporary sceptics they 
seem. Epicurus, for instance, though he featured in Sextus’s list of famous 
atheists, not only believed in gods but was an initiate of the local mysteries, 
and went as far as to demand sacrifices from his followers “for the care of my 
holy body”. His materialist convictions were not, as his 17th-century admirers 
liked to imagine, bred of a scientific cast of mind, but of the precise 
opposite: a conviction that they would help him to attain inner peace. The only 
value of research into the natural world, so Epicurus believed, was to enable 
the philosopher, by properly appreciating the pointlessness of superstition, to 
attain the state of tranquillity that was, so he taught his disciples, the 
ultimate goal of life. The closest modern parallel is probably not Richard 
Dawkins but rather Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.




  • [FairfieldLife] Atheists ... s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
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