At the level of the practitioner it can all feel too much like going in to an 
interview with a McCarthy committee or the old East German police as someone 
starts an application for a Dome meditation badge.

---In, <> wrote :

 That is funny. Taping Rick's thesis to the doors?   In these times it would be 
scotch taping a thesis to the glass Dome doors or pinning them
 on the walls nearby the doors where people read 
 announcements as they come and go in to the Domes.

 " ..the historicity of the hammer blows of Wittenberg. In fact, the door of 
the Castle Church did serve as the official university bulletin board and was 
regularly used for exactly the kind of announcement Luther made when he called 
for a public disputation on indulgences.   But whether the event happened at 
two o'clock in the afternoon--or at all--is not the point. Copies of Luther's 
theses were soon distributed by humanist scholars all over Europe. Within just 
a few weeks, an obscure Augustinian monk in a backwater university town had 
become a household name and was the subject of chatter from Lisbon to 


---In, <> wrote :

 Someone could nail Rick's old message to the University door.:-) 

 Reformation Day: Did Martin Luther really nail 95 theses on the castle door?
 Reformation Day: Did Martin Luther really nail 95 theses... 
Millions of Christians still celebrate Oct. 31 as the symbolic beginning of the 
Protestant Reformation.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Are the three Drs. at the top of TM 15 years too late?  


 15 years ago as FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups was born as a sounding board for 
the larger meditating community it was said then:


 Rick Archer wrote then on Sept 14, 2001:

 I’ve love to see a public announcement like the following from the Department 
of the Development of Consciousness (the people who give out the badges):

 Dear Fairfield Sidhas and Governors,

 First, we would like to publicly apologize for ever having excluded from the 
domes anyone who wanted to practice Maharishi’s program there. We would like to 
welcome everyone back on the condition that if you are in the dome, you promise 
to practice what you have learned from Maharishi – no more, no less. In turn, 
we promise to never again judge or exclude anyone for what they may choose to 
do with their private life. We possess neither the wisdom nor the right to do 
this. Let us all come together again in a spirit of love and acceptance, and 
begin once more to radiate the harmony and coherence for which the domes were 

 Jai Guru Dev,

 The Department of the Development of Consciousness



 .....numbers flying in the domes would double overnight.



---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 It is really a large stain on the community how the admin have let it go and 
alienated so many meditators from the official movement and meditation.  


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 A lot of meditators can’t or won’t go to the Domes now.   There is quite a lot 
of communal hurt here around going to the Domes.  A lot of time [years] has 
flowed under the bridge, over the dam and down stream with all this.  The three 
Drs. at the top of the organization are going to have to get their collective 
heads together and change the guidelines they have been enforcing on the 
community and come up with some thing much more encompassing to remediate the 
situation they have caused with the community Dome meditation. 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 The whole community has story of knowing someone who was poorly handled or 
judged.  The interview that starts, “We have some questions we want to ask 
you?”  “..Are you now or have you ever been?”  A result is that fear marinates 
the Domes as possibility of personally being found out and found in error of 
the guidelines.  Fear has become the first sutra of the meditating community 
now in the Domes for many who would like to be involved with the group 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Any recourse for changing the guidelines or their enforcement for any of this 
is obscure at best.  Redress happens at a pay level way above all of ours and 
is hidden there.  But pretty clearly all of this rests now with the three Drs., 
Morris, Hagelin, and Nader.    

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Good observation on how it can go.  
 Yes, there is a working document like this that is logical and based on 
specifics now that is being passed around that has recommendations in it.  It 
is based on metrics and it is a comprehensive way of thinking about a series of 
troubles the University and Movement have.  

 The document’s creation as a proposal has spurred sub-groups of trustees and 
groups of faculty and groups of staff to become motivated in drawing up 
specific strategic changes in the University and the larger movement. 

 There is a lot in play right now.  Is to be seen if the upper admin of the 
status quo movement (the three Drs.) can themselves lead on this together and 
will facilitate the sea change that is going on underneath or will try to sit 
on it.    

 olliesedwuz writes:


 Is there still the ability to place this back in the realm of logic, where 
those who are creating an obstruction can be presented with a concrete list of 
necessary changes? Apologies if I missed it, but has that been tried? 

 Assembling a grounded list of changes to existing policies, and then working 
through each item via discussion is the only way to broach this. And if those 
in opposition to change refuse to listen, then they must be allowed to see the 
further consequences of what have set in place. 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Thanks, Ollie.  Yours is really a well grounded enlightened response.  A 
problem in the middle of TM is that the guidelines for participation are 
unknown to most except the people who do the interrogation of applicants and 
the staff handlers.  It has been that way a long time.

 I have been able to read the guidelines on several occasions over the years.  
There is not much good reason why the guidelines need to be held secret from 
everyone.  It is not necessarily that the staff who enforce the guidelines over 
people are bad people but it is that the guidelines themselves which they 
enforce are bad.  There is a vindictiveness in them which has been long 
crippling to the community.     

 Actually some of the people who have been staff there enforcing the guidelines 
strictly have been very good at that enforcement, if that is the objective.  
The problem is the guidelines themselves are bad and unresponsive to time.  The 
staff and their handlers can’t do anything about that except possibly not 
enforce things at times, which can then become arbitrary.  

 The whole situation is looking for remediation.  It will take the urging of 
the three Drs. (Morris, Hagelin and Nader) at the head of the whole 
organization to put their heads together and come out with some better 
leadership on all this.  

 It is said that 'change comes from within'.  In the case of the TM movement 
change that would remediate this communal problem has to come at the level of 
the three Drs. over all this.  That is a cultural problem now that is corporate.

---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 Is there still the ability to place this back in the realm of logic, where 
those who are creating an obstruction can be presented with a concrete list of 
necessary changes? Apologies if I missed it, but has that been tried? 
Assembling a grounded list of changes to existing policies, and then working 
through each item via discussion is the only way to broach this. And if those 
in opposition to change refuse to listen, then they must be allowed to see the 
further consequences of what have set in place.  

 There was only one Maharishi and he is gone, so any decisions must now be made 
on the basis of logic and goal-orientation. No more Maharishi would have said. 
Much messier now, a situation calling for someone who can transcend the hurt 
feelings and sense of righteousness, that sound pervasive from your description.

 The other thing to consider is what others have mentioned. What is the 
downside to it all going away, except the process to continue the marketing and 
teaching of TM and the TM Siddhis programs? Maharishi designed his programs for 
householders, without an external support mechanisms needed.
 ---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 There’s a lot of judgement of ‘sinning’ in TM going on and there is a lot of 
personal judgement of people going on in TM.  We have some strict 
Preservationists who judge the practitioners and then we have the practitioners 
who as a community judge the preservationists. 

 It is judgement to some standard and where capricious the judgement becomes 
personal and vendetta that is self indulgent, selfish, relentlessly indulged. 


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 We’ve got a terrible Catch-22 in the middle of TM right now with the 
movement’s TM Dome group meditation participation guidelines.  
  On the one hand Strict preservation originalist religious ideologues within 
the middle at the top of TM feel that the older meditator community and old TM 
teachers have “sinned” against original policy and guideline and should 
necessarily be disciplined, 
 while on the other hand the old and young meditating community finds the TM 
leadership itself has in any number of ways ‘sinned’ as leaders of the 

 This is all really bad for and works against the Dome meditation numbers right 

 It would take some extraordinary leadership to reconcile.

 A Great Mediator.   

 Could a forgiveness be found somewhere on either side?

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 It would be good if all of us could participate in group program 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 It would be good, If practitioners can get approval.  

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 The situation is dire. 
---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Om! The situation could use a great ‘mediator’ to reconcile some forgiveness 
from both sides, the strict preservationists and the practitioners, to save its 
communal group meditation.   

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 FW:  Secondly, many hundreds, if not thousands, of Sidhas and Governors all 
over the 
 country are convinced that 'the worst', more glaring (and most damaging) 
 example of violation of the excellent and true principles .. is the so-called 
'monitoring' system of the IAA Grant. 
 Statistics .. carefully kept (with the help of MUM and other statistical 
experts) show 
 that it was this 'monitoring' system that mainly (not only) stopped 14 
 months (year-on-year) of higher Super Radiance participation dead in its 
 in the month of August, 2012, and has resulted in 40 consecutive lower months 
 since it went in 



---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 It seems an upper leadership is incredibly isolated.  It’s no wonder the 
leaders and the larger movement community have moved away from each other and 
it has gone the way it has.   Is pitiable really, given the science and 
spirituality at stake.  

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :



 They have a cultural problem
  built in to the guidelines that they use to judge meditators.  We have long 
been losing numbers of meditators faster than they can manufacture them.  It is 
going to take a revolutionary culture change inside the leadership to right 
this.  Can it happen fast enough?  Can culture change happen in the movement at 
the top fast enough to save itself and us? 

 upfronter writes:  

 Perhaps one reason why there is not 100% attendance is because a lot of people 
do not actually believe that what they are being told in such a matter-of-fact 
way is accurate and factual. 

 A meditator continues to meditate because they have a clear and subjectively 
recognisable benefit from doing so. 


 It is true in some number of cases that as some people are meditators they are 
are not necessarily interested in doing the 'long' program much anymore.  
Meditators yes, but not doing the TM-sidhis.

 But when it moves into the arena of expanded applied Vedic philosophies, as 
nice as these are in creating interests and spawning various communities, it 
appears to some, now with hindsight due to early pioneers, that this is just 
guesswork, wishful thinking or ideological fervour.


 emptybill writes:
 Fairfield is now the Damascus of Iowa. 
All those duplicitous yajña-s are scams that the devata-s easily see.
Why would they want to come and abide there?

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :


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