Yes, in asking around now I was told that these hours of digitalized MMY were 
on a direct download site for a while as they were being worked on.  It seems a 
number of people got them that way originally. Evidently it was going like that 
by download for a while until the movement .org legal minds moved in and shut 
it down.  Evidently the data is going on peer-to-peer by thumb drive now 
regardless.  In time pre-loaded thumb drives should be bought from Shanghai, Ho 
Chi Minh City or New Delhi street vendors.  Going Ubiquitous It is out of 

---In, <> wrote :

 22 gigs is a lot of data, but files that large are not uncommon on Bittorrent 
(like entire, multi-year TV series.) Sneakernetting with thumb drives is a 
huge, inefficient kludge compared to just uploading to the peer-to-peer 

---In, <> wrote :

 This came in with it:
 “And all that is necessary is that we bring the Knowledge to the children. 
They will instantly know what to do with it. They will be of that level. Once 
they will be given the Transcendental Meditation they will be on the road to 
their own enlightenment which will happen then very rapidly.
 And the knowledge that is provided in the tapes that we have, they will 
understand. We just need to continue to make the Knowledge available fully, 
particularly to the young people that are coming in.”

---In, <> wrote :

 Yes, I have your address.  Evidently The MMY 500 Hours Thumb Drive has its own 
journey to make in the world.  It came to me unsolicited mailed in an envelope 
apparently because of the FFL subject thread where someone mentioned their 
interest in old Maharishi tapes.  

 Now I mention the Thumb Drive to people here in Fairfield and everyone wants 
to copy it.  The Coffee shops in Fairfield are always full of people during the 
day working on their laptops.  Old meditators and younger want the Drive when 
they hear of it.  The Drive crossed over to interested Millennial meditators 
this week.  The Thumb Drive goes from one hand to another.  And distant lurkers 
write by e-mail from FFL wanting a copy.  It seems to be going around the world 
in short order.  

 Fast as I go buy more Thumb Drives to copy to have on hand and they go out as 
loaners to the next person who asks.  The MMY 500 Hrs 'One Thumb Drive to Rule 
them All' is going kind of like an out of control wildfire. 

---In, <> wrote :

 Okay, I will send the thumb drive.  I don’t know what the story is with this 
thumb drive and its 500 hours of Maharishi but this is kind of magical that it 
could jump to the middle of the Mideast so fast.  May be you can get it to 
those teachers up in Turkey and from there it goes on the spice road going East 
and West, sort of like the refugees, and it goes around the world.  
 “..One Thumb Drive to Rule them All”.  -JaiGuruYou  

---In, <> wrote :

 Hi again
 Thanks for your very kind attention

 Wish you always more happiness in life
Sent from my iPhone
 On Mar 3, 2016, at 06:01, [FairfieldLife] <> wrote:

 Yes, we can figure out how to get you a copy.  My computer engineer friends 
comment that the file is too big to e-mail.  I could send you a thumb drive.  
Someone sent it to me in an envelop by mail.  That clearly worked.   The folder 
is about 22GB with quite a lot of files in the folder.  Impressive really.  

 You live on Kish Island, Iran?  Is it safe for you to be a transcendental 
meditationist in Iran?  To promote and teach a transcendental meditation in 

 Would it be safe for you to receive or have a thumb drive like this with you?  
Kish Island sounds like a cross-roads of people from all directions.  

 It is interesting that you live there and want this stuff.  I can see a value 
to having it go to you for preservation and use in that part of the world.  I 
understand through the grape-vine in asking around here that this kind of 
distribution is what the people who own this material were hoping for, for 
future generations to have and learn from for themselves.  It is an amazing 

 Kish Island, Iran..
 Kish Island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 Kish Island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Kish (Persian: کیش‎‎  listen 
(help·info)) is a 91.5-square-kilometre (35.3 sq mi) resort island in the 
Persian Gulf. It is part of the Hormozgān Province of Iran. D...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


<> wrote :

 Hi friends 
 How I can reach those tapes ? Is it possible to have them ?
 Thank you for your help

Sent from my iPhone
 On Mar 2, 2016, at 05:59, [FairfieldLife] <> wrote:

 Evidently from before with this subject thread, a 32GB thumb drive in an 
envelop arrived in the mail this last week.  It has 500 hours of audio of old 
Maharishi lectures.  Starts way back in the 1950’s with some Guru Dev audios 
and comes forward.  

 Someone digitalized an incredible amount of material.  Old India courses, 
early lectures, tours and discourses, residence courses and progression of 
teacher training courses, the month courses and more recent decades.  

 An amazing amount of material as an archive of a body of work.   

 Nice to hear the old tapes and old material.  He was really on it in those 
days.  I guess this work is to make these more broadly available to a future.  
It is remarkable really.  I have them in itunes now to listen to at will.  It 
is pretty nice and probably a good way to have it jump to inform future 
generations of transcendentalists. 

<> wrote :

 I have some cassette tapes that were made off reel-to-reel tapes from the 
India TM teacher training courses with Maharishi.  In a shoebox now in storage 

 These were lectures to the courses held in Rishikesh, some held outside under 
the trees with the sounds of crows and the forrest outdoors in the background. 

 I recall one lecture where Maharishi was methodically going through the 
instructions to meditate and clarifying that TM does actually require some 
concentration to do, to do the practice as effortless meditation that it is. 
 The concentration would also be like in mindfulness as where mindfulness 
people find they are ‘off’ on thoughts otherwise too that it takes a moment of 
concentration or intent to come back to the process. That TM does require some 
‘concentration’ at that moment of monitoring.  That TM is not just 'spacing 
out' or completely “take it as it comes”.  Yes, he was pretty clear that TM 
includes a concentration to do at deepest levels too. 

<> wrote :

 I had heard a while ago that someone was working on Jerry's archive to 
digitalize it outside of the movement. Evidently this is separate from that. 



<> wrote :

 Thank you very much for the replies.

 I can make whatever arrangements are necessary for transfer of the tapes, 
private server, etc. whatever is required - they are precious.

 Can you tell me more about this project, who is Jerry Jarvis and how can I 
make contact with Jerry?


 Jai Guru Dev


 On Sunday, February 7, 2016 2:56 AM, " [FairfieldLife]" <> wrote:


   That's the project of Jerry Jarvis.  He's collecting all of the tapes.  
Maybe he'll make them available before he gets too old (he's 84, birthday on 
May 31, 2016).




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