Well, I have to say I pretty much agree with you again Anne.
 I don't trust Trump any further than I could throw him. He says whatever he 
thinks will appeal to the most people.Most *Christians* are simply wearing a 
label by tradition. Parent and grandparents were baptized and so were they.Most 
Christians tend to be like secular Jews, by name only, not by practice. But 
those Christians that take their faith more seriously, for the most part, 
reject abortion on demand and see it as murder. They equate abortion with the 
holocaust and  pure evil. And they will also draw parallels between today and 
events in the old testament.  

      From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 8:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

Excuse me? "Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended God 
with 50 million abortions..."
Utter crap. This is little more than facile projection by the largely white 
male congregations of the most radical and repressed evangelical churches, 
decrying the ability of women to make their own choices. Why do fundamentalist 
conservatives always take their own shortcomings and try to make them "biblical 
prophecy or testimony"?? It is delusion, craziness, the attempt of a disordered 
mind to be brain-washed by egotism.
I'll bet that many of those against abortion are madly in favor of the second 
ammendment. Again, a religionized attempt to let women know that the old white 
guys are still Firmly In Control. A pretty limp effort, imo
Most Christians in this country go about their daily life to the best of their 
ability, not filled with the judgment and hatred of those who have fooled 
themselves into believing they talk to Jesus Christ, and are therefore 
unassailable. The country faces some problems, not the least of which are a 
bunch of racist and sexist religious fanatics. The Muslims? Hell no, all the 
"born again" Christians. Never content to live like normal folk, they need to 
get "born again" to flaunt their desperation and arrogance. I don't give 'em 
the time of day. If they want to stop pretending to be anything except just 
like everybody else, Jesus or no Jesus, I can interact, but all the exclusion 
and faux superiority makes me look on them with pity and their ideas with 
contempt, as they so richly deserve. Even Jewish Law passed down to "the chosen 
people" does not outlaw abortion. Same God, different day...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

There are those that define a Christian as someone practicing the *religion* to 
the best of their ability and then there are those that define a Christian as 
someone having a relationship with Christ, as perfect or imperfect as it may 
be, regardless of the religious trappings.I think most people that consider 
themselves *evangelical* fully realize the short comings of Trump as an ideal 
reflection of Christianity but see him as an instrument through which God is 
There you go: they're utterly batshit, that proves it.
They see him as a choice. Take a new road or keep going down the one that they 
really believe is bringing judgement or a deterioration of our country and 

"New road" my ass. Donald's road is the same age as the day narcissism and self 
interest were born.
Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended God with 50 
million abortions, as the Jews did with child sacrifices to Moloch, during the 
time of Jeremiah. God judged Israel, withdrew his protection and allowed the 
Jews to be conquered, destroyed the temple of Solomon  and be taken into 
captivity in Babylon. Some see Trump as the fork in the road and we better take 
This is utter bollocks. "Most Christians" don't believe any such thing and 
Trump is the furthest thing from what might prove to be the salvation of the 
US. He is a chameleon who will glow whatever color he thinks his fans will want 
to see at any given time. He is neither true to himself nor to his addled 
supporters. Part of me would love to see him gain the White House just so I 
could watch those idiots who supported him lament the day they ever voted for 
the guy. It will almost be worth the price of what will happen to the country 
with him in power. He is a menace in every way - terrifying - and there will be 
nowhere to run. I am truly horrified that so many Americans are voting for him 
- a nightmare.

  From: "yifuxero@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
 Articles from two different brands of Evangelical Christianity: (liberal - C. 
Today; and conservative - Charisma Magazine) both find Trump's supposed 
Christianity troubling and add odds with their Biblical interpretations.C. 
Today says that his theology is closer to that of Norman Vincent Peale and Joel 
Osteen than their strict literal interpretations of the Bible.Charisma Magazine 
contributor Michael L. Brown in May 2016, ("Can We Question Donald Trump's 
Christianity?"), concludes: "But let's not foolishly proclaim him to be a 
Christian when, until recently, many of his ardent supporters acknowledge he 
was not.  Just consider what a world changer Donald Trump could be if he really 
knew the Lord.  Through prayer and God's mercy, it could happen.".
The Theology of Donald Trump
|  |
|  |     |  |     The Theology of Donald Trump Four words that reveal what his 
followers really believe. |  |
|    View on www.christianitytoday...  |   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


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