---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

 Seraphita and Sal:

 Neither. I don't like him so giving him a cheery wave would be hypocritical 
but he hasn't actually done anything wrong other than rub a few liberals up the 
wrong way so I wouldn't bother protesting.

 If he got into power and then started really screwing things up - not just for 
the US but everyone else too - and then wanted to come over and be friends then 
I might get out of bed for a protest but it's unlikely to be worth the bother. 
I think the presidents hands are largely tied and all his hot air will turn out 
to be just that. Not that he couldn't drag you under completely but every now 
and again a nation elects a leader that destroys them, probably some profound 
psycho-social reason for it too but I know not what.


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