"...“a full-out assault on the Second Amendment." - Mark Levin

 Levin: Senate Gun Control Debate Is a Full-Out Assault on Second Amendment 
 Levin: Senate Gun Control Debate Is a Full-Out Assault... 
 On his show Monday, nationally syndicated radio show host Mark Levin discussed 
the Senate’s gun control debate, calling it “a full-out assault on the Second 
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---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 Second Amendment aside, I still maintain it is healthy to let the populace own 
guns as it tends to thwart any idea of complete takeover by a coup d'etat 
(which some will maintain has already happened in the US and is taking it's 
time for complete takeover with replacement of the Constitution by the Patriot 
Act).  However nothing wrong with disallowing the ownership of automatic 
weapons.  Most folks here though probably don't know  the difference between an 
automatic and semi-automatic due to their sheltered lives as TM'ers and living 
in remote Fairfield.
 On 06/17/2016 08:28 AM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... mailto:mdixon.6569@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:



 "Well-Regulated" - Bearing Arms - Second Amendment, Well-Regulated We hear it 
constantly from droning citizen control cultists. The argument goes something 
like this. “You want to...

 Here you go.



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