As I've already pointed out, she couldn't possibly get "far left" Supreme Court 
nominees past the Senate, even if the Democrats retake the Senate. 



 ---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Trump wouldn't spend what he has, if he wasn't committed. His sons are running 
the family business.
 Republicans will drag their feet, kick and scream, yada yada yada,( this could 
be just a *show*). At the end of the day, it's him or Hillary. Hillary means at 
least four more years of what Obama has been and probably 3-5 far left Supreme 
Court Justices, which is even worse.At that point, anything is possible, even 
civil war.That is enough to make even the Bushes and Romney swallow their pride 
and vote Trump, whether they admit it or not(I'm sure they won't).


 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Monday, June 27, 2016 8:38 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] This up yet??


---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 and burn his chubby little fingers? (emphasis on little...) 

 I'll let you in on a secret: Trump really doesn't want to be President. It is 
too nuanced a position for a coarse and simple-minded person like him, and he 
is both lost and frustrated attempting it. So he is self-sabotaging his chances 
at every turn. He will lose spectacularly.

 His only interest is in the idea of "winning". But he can't have it both ways 
because I agree with you, Ollie; I don't think he wants the job, he just wants 
bragging rights. He is realizing running for and possibly becoming President is 
way too expensive (he hates spending his money in this way), and doing so is 
getting in the way of his other business interests and he is realizing that is 
is just getting more and more demanding as he continues to make gaff after 
gaff. This is a downward spiral that will be a spectacular belly flop in the 
end and the GOP are frantically trying to figure out a game plan to save face. 
At this point there is a movement afoot by the delegates to find a way to 
change their allegiance to Trump at the Convention in July.

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