
 You're making good points.  For those who want to stay in the church, the only 
way to get out of a bad marriage is through the annulment process.  If the 
person does not agree with the annulment process, he or she would have to 
consider leaving the church.  However, there are those who want to stay in the 
church and don't agree with the annulment process.  I believe this last group 
is the one that Pope Francis is addressing.  And, the archbishop is addressing 
the same group as well.  For Catholics who are faithful, the threat of losing 
heaven is still a strong message to toe the line when it comes to the authority 
of the church regarding faith and morals.








---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In, <> wrote :

 Marriage is difficult enough (so I hear) without the Catholic Church barging 
in and laying down the law. 

 Such a complex issue - religion and how to incorporate it into your life. 
Religious doctrine can be so rigid and it can alienate as much as it can create 
those who possess narrow tolerance levels, both for each other as well as for 
those who don't practice whatever religion they embrace. Change (divorce) is a 
natural flow of life as people grow and evolve although I am not saying that 
every marriage will or should end in divorce. Life flows, religious beliefs 
often do not - they are written in stone. This creates a problem because often 
the religious law has no organic relationship to what is actually happening 
amidst the fluidity, the organic nature of life. Consequently, the religious 
doctrine fails to really address the people's real-life issues. Then, you have 
one of two things: the person abandons their religious beliefs or they adhere 
to them and often live in unhappiness or inner conflict. 

 Marriage annulments are often absurd - they are just a church-created 
validation for why a marriage should be dissolved but often the reason for the 
annulment has no basis in truth or reality. I think two people can figure out 
on their own why they might want to become un-married without a church 
annulment or the threat of losing their 'rights' as Catholics. The old mortal 
sin shtick and fire and brimstone rhetoric is not taken quite as seriously in 
this century.

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


 The Church has become legalistic because of its interpretation of marriage in 
the Bible.  It has determined that marriage cannot be broken.

 This has become a stumbling for many church members.  As such, they either 
leave the church or ignore the rules set by the church.  They remain married in 
the church, but have live-in girl friends or common-law wives.  In technical 
terms, they should be excommunicated by the church.



---In, <> wrote :

 I'm staggered by the lack of understanding shown by the Catholic Church in 
Philly of how intimate relationships between people work. What he says is 
ridiculous, completely clueless. You would have to be equally clueless to take 
any notice of it. My prediction is that no one will.  

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 Or move to another diocese. This is just for the Philadelphia archdiocese, 
John. Did you read the article? 



 ---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 Easier said than done.  If this is the case, a lot of Catholics will leave the 

 Philadelphia archbishop: Divorced Catholics must avoid sex
 Philadelphia archbishop: Divorced Catholics must avo...
 PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The head of the Roman Catholic Church in Philadelphia is 
closing the door opened by Pope Francis to letting civilly remarried Catholics 

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