
 Jyotish, according to MMY, is an ancient technology which can be used today 
with reason.  For example, a skilled doctor can use jyotish to hone his skills 
in treating patients with existing advanced tools in medicine.

 Every once in  WHILW 


---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


 MMY said that jyotish is an ancient technology that can be used today.  It  
can even be used in medicine to cure patients with their ailments.


---In, <> wrote :

 That's interesting. I hope you are right. I don't know enough to evaluate it. 
I am also reading that there is some doubt about Hillary's exact birth time. 

 When all reason fails seek out Jyotish. I'll go with the guy who says Hillary 
will win then I can sleep at night for the next 101 days.

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


 Using traditional jyotish, the jyotishi is making an accurate reading of 
Hillary Clinton's chart.  However, since Clinton is now running the weak period 
of the Sun, she should not have done well against Bernie Sanders and should not 
have been the presidential candidate by the Democrats. 

 Nonetheless, using the Nadi Jyotish techniques, we find a different picture of 
why Clinton has a stronger chart and would defeat Trump during election time.  
Specifically, Nadi Jyotish uses the sublords during the mahadasha as the 
indicator of things to come.  In Clinton's case, she is indeed running the 
mahadasha of the Sun, which is debilitated in Libra.  But the difference is the 
sublord of the Sun's placement in Libra which is Rahu.  And Rahu is placed in 
the 7th house and exalted in Taurus.

 Further, her exalted Rahu means she can attract various sectors of the 
population, including minorities and the LGBT voters.

 On the other hand, Trump is also running the mahadasha of Rahu, but the 
sublord is Jupiter which is placed in the third house, a weak placement for 

 Therefore, Clinton wins because of the strength of her sublord, which cannot 
be seen using traditional jyotish.





---In, <> wrote :

 Alarming prediction from an astrologer who seems to know what he is talking 
about. Look at what Trump has going for him on Inauguration Day. See the 
Jyotish and the 2016 Presidential Election 
 Jyotish and the 2016 Presidential Election 
Namaste, Interest in the upcoming US elections has been unprecedented. The US 
Independence chart recently began the major cycle of Rahu; when Rahu occupies 
the 8th house, it's period will bring fear, phobias, and poor judgement; in a 
country's chart, the prevale...

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