Om that we now had here
But one ten thousand of those meditators
That do no work to-day!

---In, <> wrote :


 ---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raja John Hagelin <>
Date: Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 2:25 PM
Subject: Special Jyotish Alert from the Global Council of Jyotish Experts

 Office of the National Director August 8, 2016
 Special Jyotish Alert
 the Global Council
 of Jyotish Experts 
 Dear Fairfield Sidhas and Governors,
 Maharishi often reminded us that the main purpose of Maharishi Jyotish is to 
see the clouds on the horizon so we may better prepare ourselves for upcoming 
challenges. On rare occasions, our international council of Jyotish experts 
issues a warning of a particularly dangerous time. Such a period is upon us.
 Building throughout this month of August, and culminating in the final 
week—including the solar eclipse on September 1—is a particularly dangerous 
time of deep divisions, strife, and the potential for terrorism and global 
 The October Surprise: A special coherence-creating course in Fairfield
 You may be aware that we are planning a major coherence-creating drive in 
Fairfield and across the nation during the peak of the election season, called 
The October Surprise. That major effort will involve all of us, and will have a 
much-needed unifying and harmonizing effect during the pivotal weeks of our 
election and immediately following.
 But this does not address the critical Jyotish window that lies immediately 
before us. For this, we will redouble our efforts this month to engage a 
powerful, protective National Yagya. But even more important, as Sidhas, we can 
create a powerful protective influence just by joining with other Sidhas in our 
Golden Domes and other community program facilities. We are very fortunate, in 
Fairfield, to have one of the largest creating-coherence groups in the entire 
 And the research continues...
 An ever-expanding body of peer-reviewed, published research shows that group 
practice of the TM-Sidhi® program can profoundly reduce crime and negative 
tendencies across the nation. (The latest, and in some respects most 
remarkable, research on our Fairfield coherence-creating group was published 
just this February.) Let’s take advantage of this remarkable scientific reality 
to bring unity, harmony, and maximum support of Nature to this great country of 
ours—especially at this vulnerable time. 
 While our group practice of the Sidhis is by far the most important thing we 
can do for our community and for our nation, there is more that we can do for 
ourselves and families.
 Suggestions during this delicate time from the Maharishi Jyotishis
 1) Stay rested! Enjoy longer, deeper programs.
 2) Don’t entertain negativity. Don’t get pulled off the Self. Don’t allow 
yourself to be drawn into any potentially divisive conversation. Avoid 
disharmony. Favor the positive. “Speak the Truth which is Sweet.” Keep the 
channels of communication open.
 3) Enjoy nourishing, delicious, easily digestible food, especially leading up 
to the eclipse. (The eclipse won’t be visible in the US, which will mitigate 
its effects some.)
 That’s it!  Let us hope that, by maintaining ourselves in joy and harmony, and 
with the power of large group program and Yagya, we will able to uplift our 
entire nation. We have done it before, time and again.
 Warm regards,
 Raja John
 National Director of Maharishi Foundation USA
 © 2016 Maharishi Foundation USA, a non-profit educational organization. All 
rights reserved.
 Transcendental Meditation®, TM®, and TM-Sidhi® are protected trademarks
 and are used in the U.S. under license or with permission.


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