Interesting observation, there is no ‘TMO’. There is a web page, which 
is more distinctly American, coming from the American Maharishi Foundation of 
which now Dr. Hagelin is the leader.  

 TM ‘ers who are not from the American TM movement and who know the reaches of 
the TM  movement around the world remark that the American TM movement as it is 
racked with such of its animosities from its having for so long gone out and 
separated so many is so different from the rest around the world.  That others 
do not have all these problems with the dis-enfranchisement.  

Every continent has its own old TM movement. Long time dedicated people. N & S 
and latin America. Africa. E&W Europe, Mid-East, Asia, Pacific rim.  Maharishi 
observed in his theory of management that organizations (different from 
countries) reflect the character of their leader.  The American movement being 
anchored by MIU/MUM since about 1977 evidently has reflected the character of 
that leader.   What, before the ™-Sidhis came along by the summer of 1975 there 
were about 6000 TM initiators in the US.  Numbers meditating in the men’s Dome 
are up slightly now from last week to about 250. A turn-around? 

---In, <> wrote :

 In reality, there is no "TMO" - that's just an acronym made up in order to 
relate to the policies of the MUM administration in Fairfield, IA. It means 
nothing to the vast majority of TM practitioners worldwide. The phrase TMO 
implies that there is an organization, sensibly managed by intelligent and 
practical movement leaders. 

 Is it a university, a business, or a sectarian religious movement?

---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 It seems like a fair enough demarcation to say that those who have set 
themselves up as teachers of another discipline would not be compatible with 
ongoing Dome TM-Sidhis programs. As Ken Kesey famously said, "you're either on 
the bus or off the bus...". Rather than make it an edict though, with spying 
and all of that, the interference of other programs should be clearly explained 
in a non-judgmental way, and then self-enforced. Instead of making it a value 
judgment, the science behind it could be clarified. The TMO made it a holier 
than thou issue and that f'ed everything up - Perhaps a higher consciousness at 
the helm will help.
---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 The 'non-compete' clauses. 

 A sad irony in this thread which has been sore effect for the community here 
is that these recognized experts and a lot of jyotish experts who have come out 
of the old ™ community with their early training in Maharishi jyotish are 
technically disbarred, disenfranchised by guideline, from membership 
participation in our ™ community group meditations. 
 The Maharishi Foundation ™.org National standards for participation as they 
stand now specifically exclude people who ‘promote’ other systems of jyotish, 
excluding from the Dome meditations here and other sponsored ™ group 
meditations. 'Other systems' as in non-Maharishi jyotish.  

 This has been applied to old ™’ers for quite a number of years. For some 
number of years the patronizing ($) non-Maharishi jyotish/yagya was certain 
grounds for exclusion from the Dome meditations and used to exclude practicing 
meditators from membership in the group. Meditators are now free to ‘consult’ 
with non-maharishi jyotishi but the exclusion still stands over ‘promoting’ in 
practice jyotish using other systems deemed non-Maharishi jyotish astrology. 

 A conservative or fanatical business mind that is welded with strong emotional 
(fanatical) belief inside about the exclusivity of all ™ teachers are thinking 
that all old, de-certs, re-certs and new ™ teachers are sales representatives 
of all that is now ™ and hence are strictly liable to business non-compete 
constraints through the movement right to administratively denying membership 
using the validation of Dome badges for inclusion in the communal group 
practice of meditation as a preferred means of sales-force discipline.  

 In effect what could be adjudicated by a 'human resources department' or a 
legal department more narrowly with employees they instead have used the group 
meditation as the retributive means (weapon) of disciplining others to their 
sense of fealty. Employing the use of the group practice of meditation as their 
primary tool of discipline over membership has been incredibly corrosive in 
their bold leading of a decades long decline in a metric of what was a larger 
group.  It is still a fundamental problem within the group.


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