Back in the mid-1990s I hired programmers with AA degrees (those are two year degrees) who were probably better than the idiots they are graduating nowadays (I've been spending hours sorting out stupid bugs that the kiddies at Google created with their latest and greatest). It's hard to get through the morons who run our academic institutions and the morons with way too much money who want cheap but golden goose laying tech people that tech is like music or any other art. You need to have a knack (talent) for it. Just knowing theory and languages won't do. That's why about 90% of the graduates in the field will fail and be flipping burgers or making lattes soon or trying to live off mom and dad.

Also many of their damn professors often never worked a real tech job and could only teach theory. Some schools actually had some teachers with experience (but often no degree) but decided they needed ones with impressive letters behind their names. So they got rid of the folks who could really teach students something and replaced them lettered idiots. Upside down world.

When I went to college my music professors were skilled performers and had worked in the real world. Some didn't even have degrees but experience that really counted.

Our educational system is totally bullshit.

On 10/05/2016 07:15 PM, anon_alias wrote:
Bernie Sanders Introduces Hillary Clinton, Endorses Her "Debt-Free College" Plan <>

image <>
Bernie Sanders Introduces Hillary Clinton, Endorses He... <> Sen. Bernie Sanders appeared with Hillary Clinton at an event at the University of New Hampshire on Wednesday, where he endorsed her plan to make public colleg...
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---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

Nobody said anything about "debt-free college." Another non sequitur...

---In, <> wrote :

Non sequitur.

The reason millennials are living in their parents basement is because Bill Clinton caused the 2008 recession. Under Obama, the U.S. economy for the average worker has not improved and very few new jobs ha! ve been created.

There is no "debt-free" college. You already know this.

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

Non sequitur. You really don't want to see a list of the insults Trump has spewed during this campaign.

(And BTW, "living in their parents' basement" wasn't an insult. It was sympathy for the situation of millennials who had gone to college and then couldn't get jobs. But you knew that.)

---In, <> wrote :

Nearly fifty percent of voting Americans are a "basket of deplorables" and "living in their parents basement!"

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

Yes, and Kaine was accused of being insulting at one point by Pence because Kaine had simply repeated Trump's own words. It's like Pence didn't realize what crap issues from his running mate's mouth all these months - he didn't recognize the language or the well-known quotes. Of course he did, but it was another of his lies and attempts to deflect. Pence is the perfect VP pick for T.rump as his appeal to the other smarmy, conservatives in his party is assured.

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

[Pence] also repeatedly accused the Democrats of running an "insult-driven" campaign - an ironic attack line given that Trump has leveled repeated insults against Clinton and his former rivals in the Republican primaries.

---In, <> wrote :

"The weak and feckless foreign policy of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama has awaked an aggression in Russia that first appeared in Russia a few years ago," Pence said. "All the while, all we do is fold our arms and say we're not having talks anymore."

News from The Associated Press <>

News from The Associated Press <> FARMVILLE, Va. (AP) -- Democrat Tim Kaine aggressively challenged Republican Mike Pence over a long list of Donald Trump's controversial positions and statements Tuesday night, drawing a vigorous defense of Trump's tax history.
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