The time for this type of unsubstantiated smear job is long past, Mike. You are 
just making yourself miserable for the inevitable outcome of this election. 

All the thumb suckers out there are going to have to set aside their favorite 
'bwankies' - you know, Rush, Coulter, Hannity, Giuliani, and the evangelist nut 
jobs, and unite with the rest of us, behind a Clinton presidency. This crazy 
crusade by Trump against figments of your imagination didn't work, and that is 
all the guy had. Time to wake up, shower off the delusion, and join the country 
in moving forward.
---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 And his wife threatened and intimidated these women. Hillary was/is Bill 
Clinton's *enabler*.
 BTW, one of those women was a twelve year old girl when she was raped and 
Hillary defended the guy, getting him off on a technicality, as well as 
accusing the girl of practically *wanting it*, that she fantasized about having 
sex with older men.  

 From: feste37 <>
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 8:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A picture is worth a thousand words
   Newsflash for Mike: Bill Clinton is not on the ballot this year. He left 
office nearly 16 years ago. It's his WIFE who is running for president. Her 
name is Hillary. 


---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote : 


 Some of Bill Clinton's accusers.



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