Discoverer of set theory Georg Cantor explored the concept of "everything" 
(everything relative and "The" Absolute), calling "It" The Class of All Sets.
 Various images of the Totality of existence may be found throughout history.  
Legend has it that Aristotle came up with a diagram but unfortunately it's lost.
 From a Spiritual pov, some ideas associated with the Totality of existence are:
 a. embodies the sum total of natural laws.
 b. the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
 c. may be address (or even worshiped) as something "in itself" without 
emphasizing the piecemeal parts of the Totality.
 d. Apparently, Aristotle, some Renaissance thinkers, and Seers from the Hindu 
and Buddhist traditions were well aware of the concept of the "Totality", or 
the Great Chain of Being.
 e. The Totality (everything, or Brahman) is Holographic in its fundamental 

 In the West staring in the Age of Enlightenment, the notion of the Totality 
became less important than the parts, and various naturalists argued over the 
nature of the internal Hierarchy (if indeed one exists at all).  Eventually by 
the end of the 19-th century, the idea of a Totality was virtually lost, having 
been replaced by emphasis on the nature of "parts".
 In recent years, the idea of the Multiverse has become fashionable, but this 
entity is purely Naturalistic, devoid of the traditional population of Devas 
and interdimensional beings.  The Judaeo-Christian diagram of the Great Chain 
of Being naturally puts the Biblical Deity at the top, and there's no provision 
for Purusha.  OTOH, the concept of Purusha is depicted in mandalas from the 
East such as Nichiren's Gohonzon, and even in the Mayan Tzolkin.
 Here's the image of the Great Chain of Being from the Renaissance era:

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