In defense of the research it is said,
 “ order to be published in a leading independent scientific research 
journal, our papers are subject to a rigorous review process by non-meditating 
scholars, most of whom are highly skeptical of our theory, and who intensively 
review our research and methods to insure that they meet the highest standard 
of research quality.  Only a very small proportion of all scientific research 
of any kind is done well enough to be accepted into leading peer-reviewed 

"..Many people have many opinions on how to improve things-- better policing, 
healthier economies, more guns, less guns, etc. But all these interventions are 
hard to agree on or hard to implement.”  -Article published in the FF Weekly 

---In, <> wrote :

 The dispute seems mainly to be over how science works.
 One could wonder about some of the skepticism given out on the internet, given 
some nature of some personal narrative of a hurt with the meditating movement  
or personal ideologies of some of the people who are in categorical vehemence 
against meditation and ™ in particular, if they could read this research with 

 “The more critical  reason dominates, the more impoverished life becomes.. 
Overvalued reason has this in common with political absolutism: under its 
dominion, the individual is pauperized.” -Carl Gustav Jung

---In, <> wrote :


 In context these papers being published are movement ahead just doing the 
science evidently disputing the old saws of criticism. As painful as this 
current science seems to be for some of the skeptical, evidently for different 
reasons, the ‘replications’ and statistical p-value significance of this 
science are in fact noteworthy interesting science process in the postmodern.   

 That's the problem: There's zero "controlled testing".  Just another feeble 
attempt to prove the ME (The Maharishi - Effect, now called the Meissner-like 
effect.. I'm not saying there's no ME.  It's simply beyond the capacity of 
modern science to measure it objectively. Correlation is not causation.  How 
many times do people need to repeat that?

 Yes, more controlled study is certainly needed to to drill down into 
understanding the Meissner-like effect mechanism of meditation.  Healthy 
skepticism of the correlation hardly negates the certainty of the published 

 “..There is a 3 in 10,000 trillion probability that the reductions in the 
homicide rate could simply be due to chance.”

 It only takes what? Evidently only about 2000 people meditating in the same 
place at the same time doing TM and the TM-sidhi program.

 New, solid, published, peer-reviewed research has indicated once again (in 
replication) how meditation can change the world for the better.  -FF Weekly 

---In, <> wrote :

 Thanks. If one or other of the authors is still at MUM maybe you could contact 

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, March 3, 2017 11:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Statistical Fact: new Maharishi Meisnner-like 
Effect article published
   Yes, and apparently there are more papers coming to be published with a 
similar level of certainty based on publicly available public health stats.   

 The 'replication' in certainty of their observations coming in to an aggregate 
as statistical fact seems to get more and more uncomfortable for some critics 
who may for ideological reason would like to believe otherwise, sort of like it 
seems for science-deniers in other areas of public policy and publicly 
available data sets. These papers on meditation will probably be available to 
read from other channels in time, places like Truth about ™ and Honest Truth 
about ™.  They are not in the farm journals I subscribe to. I will see who I 
run into around here as to getting copies that we can all easily read.   


---In, <> wrote :

 .. is there a published data set of dome numbers since the construction of the 

 It would be nice to see. I am not disputing the possibility there is the 
stated effect, but that there are other correlations that are just as plausible 
such as safer cars.

 The promotional PDF states, "For example, the reduction in motor vehicle 
fatality rates could not be explained by the total number of vehicle miles 
traveled, weather patterns, the proportion of young drivers, improved vehicle 
safety features, improved roadway conditions, or alcohol consumption."

 But the promotional document gives no indication how those conclusions were 
arrived at. The paper needs to disprove these alternative explanations, not 
just dismiss them. Maybe they are in the full paper?

 The federal government seems to think auto safety features are the reason for 
the fatality decline, which is the most plausible explanation.

 There is also Journal Quality as a metric for published research.There is 
something called the h-index which is a metric used to evaluate this. The top 
Journals Nature, and Science, have an h-index of 948 and 915 respectively while 
the Journal of Consciousness Studies ranks 49, not very good by comparison, 
though some journals rank 0. 

 Another ranking called SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) has Nature and Science at 21 
and 13 respectively, and the Journal of Consciousness Studies ranks at 0.25. 

 These rankings indicate that poorer quality scientific papers get published in 
this consciousness journal, that fewer scenentists are interested in stuff 
published here. If you are a scientist, not very good, and want to be 
published, then you look for lower ranked journals to try to get published.

 The journal wants almost $30 for a PDF of the full paper, which is only 
summarized by the PDF posted here. 

 Does one of the scientists have a copy they could send you which you could 
post? They usually have these things on hand.

 The Contribution of Proposed Field Effects of Consciousness to th...: Ingenta 


 The Contribution of Proposed Field Effects of Consciousness to th...: Ingen... 
By Cavanaugh, K.L.

 Another point, Scientific Journals are not Scripture.

 But continue to meditate. The byproducts of meditation, whatever they are, are 
not as important as enlightenment.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2017 12:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Statistical Fact: new Maharishi Meisnner-like 
Effect article published

 Observations and correlations about meditation and well-being were made 
throughout the last half of the 20th Century in published pilot research.  A 
rightly skeptical criticism of that body of scientific research conducted has 
been that much which was substantial was without “replication”.  

 The challenge in 'repetition' from a general decline in the teaching of 
meditation to new practitioners and the separation of many experienced 
practitioners from organized group practice of group meditations in the 1990’s 
and 2000’s was then obtaining repetition in that scope of research occurring 
previously in the 1970’s and 1980’s in the shear size of those previous 
meditating groups to measure with controls.  This scale of size recurred again, 
occurring for a period of time running between 2007 and 2010.  

 These published papers as hypothesis testing appear now as 'critical' 
replications in the correlation process of science. 

---In, <> wrote :

 ArcherAngel, It would seem you could legitimately lodge your beefs on the 
research with the journals themselves and their peer review processes. It would 
be interesting to hear their responses. 

 You did notice and open in the original post on this topic that a pdf of the 
research was included?
 As replication testing of hypothesis these papers seems significant, like to..

 The probability that the reduced trend for motor vehicle fatalities could 
simply be due to chance was reported to be 3.7 in 10 million million and for 
fatalities due to other accidents, less than 8.4 in 1 million.  


---In, <> wrote :

 There are other explanations for this outside the TM organization's universe, 
it is attributed to better vehicle construction, and now that vehicles are 
appearing that can sense potential danger, the drop in fatalities should 
continue to go down. 

 Correlation is not causation. One of the problems of designing a study is 
making sure there are no other plausible explanations for an effect, something 
TM scientists are particularly adept at avoiding. 

 Those years also included the beginning of the recession and included large 
fluctuations in gasoline prices, perhaps people also drove less as prices 

 "Federal transportation officials believe that much of the credit for saving 
lives in accidents goes to the enhanced safety systems that are now available 
in many automobiles."

Traffic Accident Fatalities Drop to Lowest Level in Decades


 Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A. Put over 400 years of legal experience on 
your side. Contact us today for an initial consultation. We are here f...

 It would be nice if the TM effect could be studied under more controlled 
conditions, for if it is real, then scientists, not just those in the movement, 
would take notice.

 As it is, these effects are not believed outside the TM movement. Outside the 
movement, movement studies are mostly regarded as poor quality science designed 
for the promotion of TM rather than the discovery of truth.

 As long as this situation continues, the use of science this way denigrates 
the value of TM to this audience and ultimately undermines the purpose of doing 

 Example: The fact I lived in the United States during this period and engaged 
in certain activities during this time not related to meditation also has the 
same correlation with the reduction of accident fatalities.

 What were accident statistics prior to this period, when Dome numbers were 
often much higher, such as during the big courses in the 1980s?

 I think meditation is valuable, but there are other factors in TM science that 
need to be eliminated before the research is solid. The quality of meditation 
research, even outside the TM sphere, tends to be low.
 From: " [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2017 3:38 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Statistical Fact: new Maharishi Meisnner-like 
Effect article published

 In the postmodern one would hope that public policy could be enlightened by 

---In, <> wrote :

 These published papers  are critical replications in the correlation of 
science. The statistical significance of a 8.4 in a million chance that these 
observations are just random should not be missed on people. 

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