Thx, somewhat separate types of Siddhis and examples of people who may 
demonstrate (or have) such abilities: 1. Remote viewing, 2. out of body travel, 
and 3. physical teleportation
 1. Remote viewing.  Master John Douglas claims to be able to acquire knowledge 
of anything in the universe, I.e. any "entity" (but I would challenge him to 
prove the Riemann Hypothesis).
 2. Out of body travel.  This is the Siddhi practiced by Adepts in the Sant Mat 
Tradition, such as Sant Rajinder Singh:  But this is not a horizontal travel to 
another physical place, (which they would regard as pointless); but rather to 
the highest of the subtle dimensions, then the Transcendent.
 3. Physical teleportation. Swami Satyeswarananda (lives in San Diego), claims 
to have been teleported many hundreds of miles when he was in the company of 
Babaji.  Babaji surrounded them both with an astral Palace, and then teleported 
them in the Palce a great distance in N. India.


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