As a Christian, who has recently become a meditator, I find this very helpful.  
I have experienced  'speaking in tongues' and when I had my first day of TM 
instruction, during the "puja" I heard words that were familiar to me  in my 
charismatic experience.  I am wondering lately if the unified field isn't just 
God in His purity.  I will always love my Jesus ( because seriously, who 
doesn't want a hot 30 year old man who will die for you and make all things 
right to be your friend!) but my TM time is equally as satisfying, especially 
as I 'ponder'  God's goodness.  So, each day, I can say "Praise God, 
Hallelujuah" and 'Jai Guru Dev' at the same time.  Thanks, Libby from Oklahoma

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