In the 1980s I was living back in my hometown in SE Washington.  Got a lot of news about Antelope and the commune.  One local man whose kids I grew up with was a produce broker and was enjoying a thriving business selling produce to the commune.  As a shortcut from the town to trips to California I would take Biggs junction south all the way down to I-5 at Weed.  That took me past the road that went to Antelope. By 1989 I just took the freeway all the way down to I-5 Portland which cut about an hour or more off the trip.

I will be watching the final episode (6) tonight.  It's been an excellent series.

As far as I can tell Rajneesh didn't come from any tradition and just made things up.  Here is a really good discussion on what tantra is supposed to be about on Pacifica radio.

On 03/20/2018 08:31 AM, ultrarishi wrote:

This is pretty  good so far.  I've watched the first episode and started in on the second.  I have lived in Oregon since 1993 and it's interesting watching and listening to the "survivors" of the situation from the local perspective.  Our local PBS station did a really good 2 part documentary on the compound several years ago, but this goes above and beyond that.

I will probably watch another chapter tonight.

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