Office of the National Director 

Raja John Hagelin
Maharishi Foundation USA
PO Box 670
Fairfield, IA 52556
March 17, 2018
In Honor of Our Dear Jerry Jarvis
Dear Governors,
It is with heartfelt love and fondest memories that we announce the sudden 
passing of dear Jerry Jarvis on Wednesday afternoon, at his Malibu home. In 
honor of Jerry and in lieu of flowers, we are pleased to announce a special 
fund to support Debby, his loving, devoted wife.
September 1961
In September of 1961, Jerry and Debby were instructed by Maharishi, and, after 
their first experience of the Transcendent, knew that the direction of their 
lives was forever transformed. They immediately began to study and work with 
Maharishi, helping him to create and grow the U.S. and international TM® 
Science of Being and Art of Living
Jerry and Debby went on to become TM teachers in 1966 in Rishikesh, India. Both 
former journalists for the Congressional Quarterly, they later helped to 
transcribe and edit Maharishi’s Science of Being and Art of Living and his 
translation and commentary on the Bhagavad-Gita. Over the next decade and a 
half, Jerry rose to become the national leader of the TM organization in the 
U.S., and was instrumental in developing over 400 TM Centers, which brought the 
TM technique to more than one million Americans.
Maharishi’s quest to spiritually regenerate the world
The story of Maharishi’s worldwide movement is the cosmic, eternal story of the 
unfoldment of pure knowledge. And there is perhaps no part of this 
ever-evolving story that is more beloved than the early days, when Maharishi 
first set out alone on his worldwide quest to spiritually regenerate the world. 
It was Jerry’s extraordinary heart and naturally wise and mature guidance that 
played such a vital role in shepherding the many newly trained, youthful TM 
teachers at this early stage of Maharishi’s quickly growing organization.
Our precious times with Jerry, his ever-present, bright, shining face, and the 
many wondrous, heartfelt stories, life-lessons, and beautiful examples of 
purity and devotion will always be a cherished part of our TM organization’s 
Archives and special manuscripts of Maharishi that were donated by Jerry and 
Debby will become an invaluable treasure at MUM. Once these materials are 
sorted and curated, they will be available to Meditators, Sidhas, and Governors 
A passion for Maharishi’s knowledge
In addition to his enduring love for Debby, there was nothing that Jerry felt 
more passionate about than Maharishi’s knowledge. His commitment to Pure 
Knowledge took several forms: from personal study and scholarly research, to 
Advanced Lectures on Maharishi Vedic Science, and his transformational courses 
on Maharishi’s translation and commentary on the Bhagavad-Gita, which he shared 
with so many over the decades.
A very special memorial service for Jerry is being organized in California for 
early April. We hope that many will also be able to connect online. (Details to 
We send our deepest love and appreciation to his beloved Debby, who has been 
such a source of nourishment and wisdom for Jerry and all of us for more than 
50 years.
Jai Guru Dev
Raja John
© 2018 Maharishi Foundation USA


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