Claire Hoffman in the NPR Fresh Air interview observes there was something of a 
schism in the TM community when Maharishi came out with the Yogic Flying 
TM-Sidhis. Hoffman: “ was schismatic because TM was very mainstream in the 
'70s, and then he introduces levitation and he loses a lot of people”. 
 Communal Studies scholars could similarly relate to an occurrence in Mormon 
history. The Mormon movement was set at a point with The Book of Mormon and 
similarly excelling at a time with enthusiasts out traveling widely spreading 
the message and converts where streaming from across America and the old world. 
While the devoted Mormon movement with an esprit de corps was out and away 
spreading the message, Joseph Smith out on the frontier in Illinois then came 
down with a new piece of knowledge, a new teaching with plural marriage 
delivered to a smaller group out with him. 
 As a far flung Mormon movement came in after time to find this there was a 
WTF!. Likewise there was a WTF time in 1976-’78 with Maharishi ensconced over 
in Europe and Yogic Flying. “Everyone should get over to Europe and learn 
this”. Some went with it and some separated then. Like with the Mormons this 
was not the end but it reshaped what had been a successful movement up to then. 
So it was. 

 TM in the USA, 1975.  
 Stats in the United States:
 5799 Initiators
 Initiations per Month: 16,000
 440,000 meditators
 World Plan Centers: 205
 Satellite Centres: 173
 ATR Courses given: 48
 Residence SIMS Courses: Numerous
 Source: World Plan Executive Council
 First National Leaders’ Conference in the
 Age of Enlightenment (1975) National Reports

 Early 2018: 
 28.5k new meditators taught last year in US America, a 30% increase.
 380 certified teachers. 


 436880Re: Dear Governors 437776RE: Guru Purnima: the Raja class.. 423859Re: Do 
most TMers

 ---In, <> wrote :


 I listened to the recording of the NPR show.  It was great to listen to the 
writer's experience of TM as a young child and as an adult.  Everyone here 
should listen to the show and understand a little bit of ourselves.


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Yes, Dave Davies of NPR’s Fresh Air does a really capable job of leading her 
through the interview. I appreciate the way she quickly recaps the history of 
the ™ movement.  That is important as I learned a number of years ago going to 
scholarly conferences finding that professor-types under the age of 40, gen-X 
and under, really had no reference for ™. ™ and Maharishi had withdrawn and 
skipped them.  (1980’s, 1990’s ™ had withdrawn from teaching TM. ) Then also, 
for those over 40 it was distant only, “Oh, the Beatles?”  At conferences it 
was evident that these people who teach the young at real Universities, they 
had never heard of TM let alone Fairfield, Iowa.  The Fresh Air interview does 
a good job of overview, introduction and some of how it felt. 

---In, <> wrote :

 I had missed this book interview a couple of years ago.  emf


 NPR - Fresh Ari

 A Childhood Of Transcendental Meditation, Spent In The 'Shadow Of A Guru'
 Listen 31'09"


 June 13, 2016


 Author Claire Hoffman estimates that she's spent at least 2,200 hours of her 
life meditating — but not because she became a devotee of the practice as an 
adult. Her mother was a follower of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and Hoffman 
spent most of her childhood in a community in Fairfield, Iowa that was devoted 
to Transcendental Meditation.

Hoffman, who writes about her unusual upbringing in the new memoir Greetings 
from Utopia Park, tells Fresh Air's Dave Davies that moving to the utopian 
community from New York City when she was kindergarten-aged was idyllic — at 
least initially. "Those first few years, it was entirely magical," Hoffman 
says. "We believed that we were changing the world, and everybody was 
meditating. ... It was this sort of blissful experience."

Maharishi, the Yogi whose teachings inspired her mother, specialized in "Yogic 
Flying," a practice that he claimed would infuse practitioners with the power 
to levitate. He charged Hoffman's mother and other devotees thousands of 
dollars to learn it.

Because Yogic Flying was practiced in secret, Hoffman believed for years that 
her mother could, in fact, fly. Then, when she was 9 or 10, she attended a 
demonstration of the practice and was crushed.

"It was this sort of funny frog hop that they were doing across the room," 
Hoffman says. "For me that moment of seeing this sort of awkward, ugly jumping, 
as opposed to this incredible levitation that I as a kid had imagined was a 
first moment, for me, of doubt."



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