November 8, 2018
 Dear Friends and Supporters of our Maharishi Vedic City Pandits,
 On October 28, 2006, the first group of Maharishi Vedic Pandits who Maharishi 
sent to our community arrived. We have been able to sustain our Maharishi Vedic 
Pandit program for 12 years through the dedication and efforts of many people, 
especially our large family of donors. We could not have achieved so much 
without you.
 As you may know, we have been working very hard for a long time to bring new 
Pandits to Maharishi Vedic City. The plan has been to keep our current 
Maharishi Vedic Pandits in place until replacements arrive, so that the program 
would run continuously and there would be no timing gap.
 We were confident we would have replacement Pandits by now, but despite our 
best efforts, this has not proved possible. We have explored all avenues, but a 
gap in our Pandit coverage is inevitable at this point.
 Our current Maharishi Vedic Pandits have been so very generous and devoted to 
our community. They have been here a long time. They have extended their stay 
several times so that our Vedic Pandit program could continue uninterrupted, 
despite their own pressing family obligations at home.
 But now, they must return home. They will return to India in mid-November, 
after Mahalakshmi. We will be sorry to see them go, but we will send them home 
with deep gratitude and heartfelt thanks for their dedication to our community.
 We are aware that this situation will come as a surprise to many. It arose 
very quickly—we did not anticipate it—through a combination of visa issues, 
Pandit availability, and some recent family developments that our current Vedic 
Pandits must address.
 We will continue working diligently to recruit the most skilled and 
appropriate Maharishi Vedic Pandits for our Fairfield/MVC/MUM community. We are 
optimistic about this, and already have some good leads—but it will take some 
time. We will let everyone know as soon as we have concrete news to report.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 Raja John, Bevan, Sandra, and Bhupendra

---In, <> wrote :

 News on the streets today: The remaining 3 pandits of the Pundit Program in 
Iowa returned to their homes yesterday,  8 November 2018. 
 No pundits now at Maharishi Vedic City. 

  • [FairfieldLife] R... [FairfieldLife]

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