NPRadio is running a podcast series on civility, looking back I still admire 
whoever in Yahoo it was who thought through and put together the Yahoo-group 
guidelines for membership and posting that placed moderation of kindness and no 
harm on to the contributor.. Consideration and not contention, as Benjamin 
Franklin portrayed civility’s discourse.

 From NPR,   

 Keeping It Civil: How To Talk Politics Without Letting Things Turn Ugly

 / /

 "I absolutely bite my tongue sometimes," he says. "There are things that I 
 Clergy often speak about the need to minister both in a "pastoral" manner, 
addressing the personal needs of their congregants, and in a "prophetic" 
manner, addressing their congregants' responsibilities in social, cultural and 
political settings.


---In, <> wrote :

  Very interesting Sal ,thanks 

   How would anyone not be responsible for their views- 

   can you tell someone what their view is or what to think-

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