In a message dated 1/3/06 11:48:19 A.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
As a benificiery of this knowledge, you are now proclaiming to the
people of the  world that they should not give up their cafe-lattes
for Vedic knowledge?  This incredibly selfish, since you have
already had the benefit of the  knowledge. You have forgotton how
incredibly helpful it can be to people in times of extreme stress.
Many people in the world have nothing to absorb the stress which
pushes down upon them everyday. As a beneficiary of a practice that 
you can practice any day, any where, even in a prison, and find
relief, if you have any conscience at all you should be telling as
many people as you  can, that TM only costs $3.40 a day for 2 years.

I'm not proclaiming any thing to anybody. I'm also not preaching to the choir about why the uninitiated should give up anything. I'm simply speaking the reality that  the uninitiated see TM and the TMO from. Anybody can sit here and proclaim what TM means to them and what they would be willing to give up to get the next morsel of "knowledge", but what good does that do? It only becomes a contest of who can prove their devotion more. It surely doesn't increase initiations and raise the quality of global consciousness. I suppose one could also walk to work for a year or two or give up breakfast or some other meal, give up hair cuts or deodorants. But why would somebody do such a thing to satisfy his curiosity about something he knows nothing about? At the price the TMO charges people, TM will die with it's current practitioners. What a shame!

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