--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <jflanegi@>
> wrote:
> <snip>
> > Thanks for the tip. The talkingpointsmemo site looks very good.
> Let me add my recommendation to Lawson's.  It's one
> of the very best of the political blogs, impeccably
> researched, as Lawson notes, moderate as liberal blogs
> go.  The Daily Muck is also very good (news of political
> scandals and corruption).

And the commentators at http://www.tpmcafe.com/ are all top class

A very partial listing:

Thomas E. Mann is the W. Averell Harriman Chair and Senior Fellow in
Governance Studies at The Brookings Institution. Between 1987 and
1999, he was Director of Governmental Studies at Brookings. Before
that, Mann was executive director of the American Political Science

A native Oklahoman, Warren graduated from the University of Houston
and Rutgers Law School. She is now the Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law
at Harvard Law School, where she teaches contract law, bankruptcy and
commercial law. Her latest book, All Your Worth, is for people who
worry about money. She posts on TPM Cafèõith her law students.

Todd Gitlin, who professes journalism and sociology at Columbia
University, is the author of eleven books including, most recently,
The Intellectuals and the Flag  (Columbia University Press).  For
more, see www.toddgitlin.net.

Amitai Etzioni served as a Senior Advisor to the Carter White House;
taught at Columbia University, Harvard Business School, University of
California at Berkeley, and is the first University Professor at
George Washington University, where he is the Director of the
Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies. He served as the
President of the American Sociological Association, and he founded
the Communitarian Network.

Ivo Daalder is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in
Washington, DC. He also serves as a senior adviser on national
security policy to the Center for American Progress. A specialist in
American foreign policy, European security, and national security
affairs, Daalder served on President Clinton's national security
council staff in 1995-96. He is the co-author (with James Lindsay) of
the award-winning America Unbound: The Bush Revolution in Foreign
Policy. A revised edition came out in August 2005. Other recent
publications include Protecting the American Homeland (2002); Getting
to Dayton: The Making of America's Bosnia Policy (2000), and Winning
Ugly: NATO's War to Save Kosovo (2000).

Bruce Jentleson is Professor of Public Policy and Political Science
at Duke University, where he served from 2000-2005 as Director of the
Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy. He is a leading expert on a
wide range of issues of American foreign policy, with a distinguished
professorial record and extensive policy experience. In 1999-2000
Jentleson served as a senior foreign policy advisor to Vice President
Al Gore and the Gore-Lieberman presidential campaign. In 1993-94, he
was on the State Department Policy Planning Staff as Special
Assistant to the Director, with a broad range of policy
responsibilities, including serving as a member of the U.S.
Delegation to the Middle East Multilateral Arms Control and Regional
Security Talks. In 1987-88, while a Council on Foreign Relations
International Affairs Fellow, he served as a foreign policy advisor
to then-Senator Gore.

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