On May 16, 2006, at 4:02 AM, stadspark wrote:

> This is a question for anyone who has officially been instructed in 
> at least two advanced
> techniques:
> So here's my question; If someone has been properly instructed in 
> the TM technique, is there
> any reason that someone should consider paying $3000 for an adv. 
> technique, if he could
> just as easily go to minet.org, and get his new technique for free 
> (i.e simply update his
> mantr..)??
> Unless, the technique requires special instruction (which I know 
> for a fact is unecessary after
> having been insrtucted in one advanced technique) I see no reason ...
> Any thoughts, anyone?
> S

I think it's insane to pay the price for what should really have been 
given as part of the basic technique. I'd look elsewhere and seek to 
preserve the integrity of your personal practice, all the while 
deepening your own practice. For example, one can receive the 
*entire* mantra for your TM devata mantra from Amma (or many other 
sources). Sri Sri Ravi Shankar teaches one of the (IMO) very, very 
important advanced techniques as part of his basic meditation 
technique I am told, so that's an inexpensive way to get that 
technique--and of course SSRS has a lineal connection to the TMO. 
That's the nice thing about lineage: there's always more than one 
person you can go to for answers. The Age of Enlightenment technique 
is really just a traditional Hindu meditation used daily by many 
devout Hindus, albeit somewhat watered down. If this type of thing 
appeals to you, I'd suggest finding an old  "uncertified" independent 
governor (who far out number the certified ones!) who can give you 
the technique and then make a donation to your favorite charity.

You really have a lot of options--and many of them will lie outside 
the TM movement or use independent teachers.

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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