on 5/20/06 4:22 PM, bob_brigante at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You would be referring to yourself, of course, a moron who dumped TM
> in favor of Amma, a knucklehead who attracts other knuckleheads who
> think kissy-facing thousands of people means something?

Cute one Bob. You're such a warm, fussy guy. When Amma comes to LA, you
should go and get a big hug. Sounds like you need one.

Right now I'm working on a little talk summarizing Amma's humanitarian
activities, that I'm going to give tonight at a fundraiser. Might be
appropriate to post it here. Perhaps you can respond with a list of similar
activities that the TMO has ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISHED with the far greater
financial resources at their disposal:

"As a child, I always wanted to know the cause of misery of mankind and
thought that if sorrow is a truth, then there must be a cause and a way

She would share her food with the starving, and she would bathe and clothe
the elderly who had no one to look after them. She was often punished for
giving away her own family's food and belongings to the poor, but her
compassion was such that nothing could deter her.

" I realize my purpose is to console - to personally wipe away tears through
selfless love, compassion, and service." - Amma

Amma has inspired innumerable humanitarian activities all over the world.
Some of them are

·     free food and clothing programs,
·     free homes for the poor and the needy, 25,000 so far; 100,000 by 2012.
·     Orphanage ­ 500 children
·     widows' pension scheme, 50,000+ women, given for life.
·     Older Care Homes
·     Speech and Hearing
·     free legal advice for the poor ­ over 1000 lawyers
·     Earthquake, Tsunami, and Hurricane Relief

·     charitable hospitals,
·     hospices,
·     medical camps,

·     Amrita University
·     Medical College
·     Computer schools
·     Management School
·     Engineering Institute
·     Software Training
·     Industrial Training
·     Pharmaceutical Sciences
·     Primary School
·     Nursing School

The list is long and growing everyday.

In response to each of these tragedies, Amma¹s helping hand reached out to
those in need.

Kashmir Earthquake: Two disciples, along with devotees from the Delhi
Ashram, immediately traveled to the region to console villagers and to
distribute food and other aid to victims, including hundreds of blankets
which were sent from Amritapuri. The Ashram also met with government
officials and expressed a desire to adopt 2-3 villages.

Asian Tsunami: Amma pledged $23 million in aid for India ­ including 3 lakh
for Sri Lanka. The overall efforts are truly massive and widespread: from
providing immediate aid in the form of temporary shelters, food, clothing,
medical assistance, and basic needs, to long term projects which include the
construction of 6,200 new homes, distribution of 700 new boats, and
providing vocational training, education, and pensions to those in need. The
Ashram was also the first NGO in India to complete construction of new

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: Amma pledged one million dollars in aid and
assistance to those affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Devotees who
were trained medical experts traveled to Louisiana to help. Food, clothing,
school supplies, and other items were collected from all over the country
and distributed to evacuees.

In 2001, an earthquake destroyed many villages and killed 3,000 people in
Gujarat.: In Gujurat, Amma¹s immediate response was to send a 12-person
medical team from AIMS Super Specialty Hospital. And students from Amma's
various colleges. The groups worked day and night - saving 40 lives from a
collapsed school, delivering many babies. The Ashram adopted and completely
rebuilt three villages‹constructing some 1200 earthquake-proof houses,
medical clinics, water tanks, schools, community halls, temples and mosques.

In July 2005, almost three feet (944mm) of rain fell in 24 hours in Mumbai,
resulting in massive flooding: The Ashram sent a medical team to Mumbai in
response to the flooding. The team spent three weeks visiting slum areas,
distributing medicines and treating over 32,000 victims for infectious
diseases. The Ashram also served food at the relief camps

In June 2004, a fire at a school in Tamil Nadu, took the lives of nearly 100
children and left countless others injured: Brahmacharinis from Amritapuri
visited to help in the hospitals where victims were being treated. When Amma
heard about the impoverished living conditions of some of the families, She
immediately decided to provide new homes.

Amma very much involved in all these projects in addition to many hours
daily giving Darshan.

Amma has often said that while it may be someone's karma to fall into a
well, it is our karma to assist them.  Today, Amma¹s efforts to alleviate
pain and suffering extend to all parts of the globe.

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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