--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate
> <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Or that the
> > > > > label "Awakening" has much of a common connotation to many -
> > > > > and thus elucidates more than it obscures?
> > > >
> > > > I think most of us here have somewhat agreed upon definition
> > > > of the term, as Barry was saying a little earlier.
> > >
> > > I for one have no problem with equating 'awakening,'
> > > as it seems to be used here, with what Maharishi
> > > called CC.
> >
> > Nor do I. Nor do I have a problem with any definition that is
> > provided. (That is I am not advocating any particualar definition).
> >
> > My question stems from some/many here appear to reject some/many
> > attributes that MMY associates with CC.
> Like what? I honestly have not seen this, and I'm curious.
> Please provide examples.

Well first a quick list of attributes that MMY has at times associated
with CC over the years. Some may not have heard him say all of these
(and some of those were never around him so, that makes sense.) This
is off the top of my head. I am sure there are more.

1) Consciousness aware it Itself 24/7.

2) Strong experiences don't stick ("Stick through air")

3) Clear "witnessing" during deep sleep.

4) Strong physiological corrleates, such as brain wave coherence

5) Full use of our Mental Potential (the other 90%)

6) Perfect health

7) Ideal social behavior

8) Beyond illusion

9) All seeds of ignorance are roasted

10) All action in tune with the laws of nature,

11) All action is life-supporting7

12) At home with all "Knowlege"

13) 24-hour bliss

14) No anger, fear etc.

15) Beyond reincarnation

16) Much refined breath

17) Clear Ritam experiences

18) Clear and consistent siddhis experiences

It seems that "many" may somewhat include 1-3 on their lists of
attributes when they refer to CC, "awakening", "enlightenment", but
even there, there appear to be disagreements and or apparent disconnects.

Starting with 4 and beyond, there is disagreement. Dr.Pete for
example, claims CC but refutes that there is any physiology basis to
it. (Corrections to POV welcomed.) Others don't seem eager to have
their enlightened physiologies tested.

5-14 are disputed. And there "appears" to be at time some disconnects
between these attributes and claimants speech, actions, and views.

17 and 18 are highly disputed by some.

> > I am just asking for
> > clarification as to which of the apparently many flavors, models,
> > species and views of awakening that are discussed here that he is
> > referring to.
> Why?

Because when one uses a many-meaning word, it facilitates
communications for the writer to define what they mean by it.

>Do you believe that one is more "right" than another?

No not at all. As I said above, 

" I have [no] problem with any definition that is
provided. (That is I am not advocating any particualar definition)."

Frankly, I personally don't find such labels as "Enlightenment",
"Realization", Awakened" etc very useful. I have written extensively
on this over the years and I can elaborate if you wish.

I do wonder about why some do find such labels useful and clarifying.
Particularly when, at times to me, they use the term when it doesn't
add much to a post. Or if it "apparently" does, then to clarify what
they mean by it and why they think its an important label.

> I honestly do not.

So we agree.

> I seem to recall you saying in the past
> that you agreed with the thesis that the "path" to real-
> ization could be different for everyone. Yes?

In general, of course.

More speifically, I am not a fan of continued 30 year "seeking". At
some point, I feel one needs to "let go" and realize "everything
needed is right here, now, always."

And I am quite open to the possibility of "many paths, many peaks".
That is, various paths may lead to distinct cultured states. They may
have some similarities (thin air to continue with the analogy, but
different in at least some ways in the grokiness of its gestalt
totality, attributes, features, experiences, POVs and abilities.

>Then why
> not the experience of having "arrived?"

See above. I have championed the idea of the disctinct possibility of
many peaks for years. Inspired by some posts by LBS. But if people are
not willing to discuss their personal grokiness of the gestalt
totality, attributes, features, experiences, POVs and abilities of
their world, then its a hypothesis thats difficult to confirm or deny.

Thats why I ask quesions like, "what do YOU mean by that term. What
are YOUR 'experiences' that are part of that term for you."

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