In a message dated 7/15/06 5:30:00 A.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The real problem is:
There is no real leadership in Israel, or other Middle Eastern
As far as 'Peace-makers'
Like Sadat, and Begin, and Carter;
The war machine is huge, with many players.
It will take leadership, not more weapons.
Not more walls;
Enlightened leadership is the answer; and the lack thereof is the
cause of the current choas..
How about a little enlighten leadership on the part of the Palestinians for a change?Why not stop the indoctrination of hatred for Israel and Jews from grade school up?Why not stop the suicide bombings? Why not stop the naming of streets and buildings after suicide bombers and glorifying their names? Why not renounce violence against Israel except in self defense? Why not use foreign aid to build a country instead of fighting another? Why not openly state as Palestinian policy that "We accept the right of Israel to exist and live in peace *if* Israel will accept our right to exist and live in peace, side by side."? Why not try a little enlightened leadership like this with sincerity  and not some other ulterior motive? Why is it  that Israel must be the one that changes?. They are the ones fighting for their very lives and whether they cross the line or not, every thing they do is in self defense. While everything the Palestinians do is to destroy Israel or at least be a thorn in their side and make their lives miserable. Lets see a little enlightened leadership on the part of the Palestinians for a change. These two peoples remind me of two of my cousins  when they were little boys. The younger cousin was always a little jealous of his older, smarter and better looking brother and would pick fights with him and always get the crap beat of himself and then come crying to everybody that his brother just hit him.

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