The Crystal Cathedral of the Soul
by Jayn Stewart from Sunlight on Water

When you're in the soul, you always have three components available at
the same time, soul structure, safety, and trust.

The consciousness of humanity is being de-structured massively now.
Everything you have learned or have been told about what makes you
safe, everything you believe about what¹s important, every reality you
have lived is changing its form.

You are actually living the dream and intention you had before you
came into human form, but now that you're here you don't have an
instruction manual! You came back into a time of de-structuring to do
the whole thing without the manual and without structure. So safety
is the number one issue, because you don¹t know where to get safety from.

A related issue is trust. When you don't feel safe, you stop trusting
in the structure. In this new situation, what is the structure? You
are the structure. If you can't provide safety for yourself, then you
don¹t trust yourself. If you don¹t trust yourself, then you can¹t
make decisions. And if you do make them, you¹re going to question
them. You can¹t have relationships when you think, "I don't trust me,
so how can I trust them?" You¹re trying to restructure your experience
of being safe and honoring your own being and creating the reality you
want at a time when there¹s nothing from the old model to hold it

The soul is where your structure really is. So there's no reason why
you can't structure your soul around you now as the part of you that
holds you safe. The only real safety is in your connection to your soul.

When you feel safe and when the soul is present and there is a
structure, you will begin to trust yourself. You make decisions more
easily. You don't have irrational fears because they don't have any
basis. Nothing is separate from you in any moment because you are one
with everything. You begin to live principles that you truly
understand. For instance, you understand oneness inside you. You
might refute it at the moment, but you do understand it. And you also
understand that you¹re one with everything that is, which means that
you¹re also one with your resources, and one with your future.

To pull in your future and the resources to live everything you need,
many of you will have to leave behind old structures, conditioning,
and models of society. You have to do your own "re-Sourcing" go to
the Source and "re-Source" yourself so that you have what you need to
survive. You have to do your own creation. You¹re by yourself.

For many of you, the structure of your soul is not yet strong enough
around you. And that¹s not literal, it's perceptual. Perceiving that
your soul isn't strong enough around you, that you're not really
connected to the source, and not aware enough to be responsive to the
needs of people, to see your design through and make money doing it
and also be of service, that's all perception. The easiest way for you
to deal with this perception is to change it - not prove that it¹s
different. Just change it by going on a different track. Decide to
switch tracks! Change your mind.
Making Your Structure: An Exercise

In order to feel safe, you can surround yourself with a structure like
a crystal cathedral or a cave. Whatever structure will help you feel
safe, put it together and call it whatever you want to. Call it "the
church" if you want, and put yourself in there. Feel the structure
around you, and know that it's going to make you safe.

This crystal cathedral or structure represents your soul. Everyday
when you get up, close your eyes and say, "I need "God", (or Goddess,
Sophia, the Monad, etc) Unless "God" is here, I can't go any further".
Bring "God" in any way you want - a flying Madonna, a cross with or
without Christ on it, angels flying around, a feather, anything. It
doesn¹t matter what "God" is to you perceptively, because it doesn¹t
change the Source to view it in a certain way.

You don't need to find God or have a sign from God; you don't need to
have God come to you in a dream. Just decide. Change your track and
God is there. You know that's possible, because it's how you look at
something that makes it what it is. So you have God there, and you
have the crystalline structure of your soul. Ask yourself what else
you need to feel safe, and put that into the crystal cathedral. Then
everything you need is right there - food, warm gloves, plants, your
dog, whatever helps you feel safe. You create a crystalline structure
to hold your soul and you sit in it. God¹s there, and you have all you

Now that you feel safe, the next step is trust. Learn to trust your
instincts. The objective is not to go out into the world and see if
fifty thousand dollars falls in your lap and say, "I can trust because
I got some money!". It¹s not to see if somebody offers you a job next
week. What it's about in the beginning is just holding the space. Go
into the crystalline structure with God, safety, food, and trust, and
hold it. Don't go anywhere with it. Don't test it by standing in
traffic to see if you're safe. Hold it steady maybe three to five
times a day. Just sit there. "Okay, I've got my structure, God,
safety, food, trust." Go through it like a checklist.

Sit there feeling it congruent until your mood starts to lighten. If
your mood doesn't lighten, stay there. Say, "Well, if I'm going to
punish myself, I might as well punish myself doing something that's
going to be effective. I'll use my energy in a way that¹s going to
help me out." So you sit, and your energy starts to expand. Your soul
is communicating to you in a safe place with plenty of food, and God
is present. You're beginning to trust that framework, so it begins to
expand. You put the pebble in the pool, and it starts to open out.
As you sit there you feel better.

Then you say, "OK, I have to get up and go about my day." So pick the
structure up and carry it with you! Maybe you imagine that you're
Cinderella, picking your skirts up, and when you walk you imagine your
crystal structure with you, with the feather on top! Perhaps you're a
knight, so you put your armor on, envisioning that your structure is a
cave or a castle. Your food is going with you, the whole thing. This
is all visualized, but it¹s energetically real, so you¹re always going
to have this safe structure.

You walk along, and pretty soon you realize that a lot of things
you¹ve been worried about, a lot of things you¹ve been angry about,
and a lot of things missing in your life, aren¹t missing anymore.
You¹re not angry anymore, because you¹re carrying your wisdom, your
essence, your future, your guidance and protection with you.

Take your structure into each situation and speak from that place. You
have relationship from that place, commitment and interrelations,
language, consciousness and energy, and you begin to feel as if you
are really embodying your essence. People are responding to that
essence. The questions you had before aren¹t there anymore. You
changed your track!

When you carry your little crystal structure with you or your cave or
whatever, and you stay in it for a long enough time, pretty soon you
find out that it can become a discipline. If you just stay in there
everything will take care of itself. Everything will be ironed out.
What you have is what you need. What you need is what you want, and
what you want is what you are, because it comes from the desire of
your soul to fulfill itself.

You don't have to do any affirmations about being safe, feeling good,
liking yourself, or doing better. You make the intention when you
start: "I am going to live safely within the structure of my soul,
re-Sourcing myself. Whenever I need anything, it will be re-Sourced,
and I will trust myself in the presence of the Divine, or God, or
Source, or Goddess. All these things are with me. And that¹s my
discipline. If I think I'm going to fail, I cannot pay attention to
that anymore. I have to stay in the structure of my consciousness."

Close off to those thoughts and experiences that don't serve you. Live
life with grace. You don¹t need to carry on when you're in the soul
structure. Don't bring any stuff in there. Pretty soon the stuff
won't have any place to attach, so it won¹t be able to come with you
anywhere. You'll be mostly in the soul structure anyway, pulling up
your skirts like Cinderella, or donning your knight's armor. You'll
say, "Well, that stuff is not on my list for today. I have other
things to do". After a while if you don¹t give any energy to the
stuff, it disappears.

What you're doing is profoundly validating experiences of truth inside
yourself. You're allowing the foundation of who you are to be
expressed, taking it forward and anchoring it in every moment you
live. And pretty soon, that¹s all there is. So you are in the right
place to live your future and in the right place to balance and
resolve your past. You're empowering yourself, and it¹s providing you
with everything you need from soup to nuts. You are remembering, "I
can do this on my own!"

Your eternal life and immortality are validated. You know that you
cannot be hurt, you really cannot be hurt. And yet, until the knowing
comes deep inside you, you will be afraid. This isn't a judgment or
something to worry about, it's just to understand. "If I'm afraid,
there¹s a knowing that I¹m accessing to assist me." When you¹re
afraid, it means that your soul wants to access that experience. When
fear comes up, jump back into the cathedral of your soul, with its
silver crystal light and gold shimmering sparkles, and say, "All
right, fear's calling. What does this mean? It must mean that my
soul is ready to reveal something. I'm going to sit down and
discipline myself. I'm going to listen to what the soul has to tell
me." Sit there in the crystal cathedral or cave, you're the princess
or the knight and say, "All right, show me what this fear is." As the
fear is jumping around doing this and that, say, "Soul structure,
shine it from the windows. Throw down information or visions, or more
feathers, or maybe scarves this time. I want to see what the fear is
trying to show me. I want to know what my soul has to tell me so that
I won¹t be afraid."

What you learn to do in this process is to use archetypal, visual and
imaginary spaces to heal the parts of you that feel disintegrated or
disconnected. You¹re putting all your tools in a place where you have
access to them, you will have what you need for each thing that comes
up. You realize that everything you have created, in this or any time
or space, is completely available to you. You feel better about you.
And there¹s no more doubt.

You don't have to provide safety for your soul; your soul provides
safety for you. That's why people don't feel safe, because they're not
in touch with their soul. If they were, they wouldn't be afraid of

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