--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Or "if you were in a room and saw jesus talking to krishna, 
> > right in front of your eyes, and not everyone else in the 
> > room saw it, would you believe your own experience or the 
> > other people?" 
> My perception, every time.

You see krishna and jesus "every time"? Every time you "look"? Or
every time you see krishna, you also see jesus? If so thats odd. I
usually don't see them together.
> > Are you positive its not some hallucination or delusion? 
> Nope. But I would believe my perception, every time,
> given no evidence of hallucination or delusion.
> > Or if someone else saw that and you didn't. 
> That happened many times.

Others are seeing jesus and krishna?

> > Do you automatically conclude they are lying and 
> > delusional just because your experience is different?
> Of course not. 

But then you are not "trusting your experience"

But it sounds like you might.

I have questioned some peoples exerience. I am and open, rationally
and skeptical of "rare event" claims.

> You are butting heads with the mystical conundrum,
> new. 

I just asked a question. You are making assumptions about my take on it.

*Everyone* who has ever had extraordinary
> spiritual experiences in history has been in this
> position -- they have experiences that most of the
> people around them not only have never had, but 
> don't believe they *can* have. Who ya gonna believe?

Well, you just said you always trust YOUR own experience, so thats why
I asked. 

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