Just out of curiosity, is there any corollary between how parts of
Patanjali Yoga Sutras actually contain stuff to be practiced, and the
content of the Brahma Sutras?

(I.e. are there particular sutras from BS to be used, and which are they?)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >Topic (adhikaraNa) 5 consists of suutras 5 - 11.
> > 
> Suutra 8:
> heyavattvaavacanaacca? (heyavattva? +ACs-ACs-ACs-ACs- avacanaat; ca)
> Glossary:
> heyavattva?   fitness to be discarded?
> The devanaagarii here:
> http://www.swami-krishnananda.org/bs+ACs-ACs-ACs-AF8-1/1-1-05.html
> has "heyavattva", but the transliterated text
> below it has "heyatva".
> The transliterated here:
> has "heyavattva"
> and here "heyatva":
> http://www.philosophy.ru/library/asiatica/indica/sutra/vedanta/hk.html
>  avacana      n. absence of a special assertion Ka1tyS3r.
+ACs-ACs-ACs-ACY-c. ;
> (mfn.) not
> expressing anything Jaim. ; not speaking , silent S3ak.
> Swami's tranlation:
> And (the Pradhana cannot be denoted by the word 'Self'), because it is
> not stated (by the scriptures) that It (Sat) has to be discarded.
> (Sorry, if those links don't function. I don't know where the
> heck those control charaters [ACs, etc.], or whatever, come from.)

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