Program Pedophilia
Posted by Gina at 2/13/2007 11:55:00 PM

Thank you, Paul, for your incredible perspective on the source of TM teachings.

Being raised in the Movement, or any cult, is different from experiencing a conversion. Upon leaving the group, most therapists advise former cult members to rebuild life based upon their pre-cult persona.

Someone raised in a cult lacks a pre-cult persona. We normalized the group-think in all facets, because it's all we knew.

My entire life was based upon TM, as I was raised in the TMO from a young age. There are many good people in the TMO. I have no criticism of the individuals. I criticize the leader's methods, and ensuing destructive group dynamics.

One of my good friends is Jim Jones Jr, formerly of Jonestown. Oddly enough, he and I share a similar worldview. We both agree that we were raised as-if in Disneyland. And we loved it! Then the Haunted House took over. We've both moved on, and are doing what we can to reach others through our twisted histories. Making lemonade where life gave us lemons.

For a preview of a compassionate movie about a tragic history, click on the movie title, "Jonestown, the Life and Death of People's Temple." My daughter was eleven when we left Fairfield. She was teary watching this movie, remembering her sweet idealistic childhood community, and knowing our loved ones' ensuing painful stories.

Maharishi twisted his Hindu tradition to his own ends, just as Jim Jones twisted evangelical Christianity and social activism to his ends. It is not the teachings that define a "cult"; destructive behaviors define a cult.

While my mother was in Switzerland with Susan, Sudarsha and Joseppi, I lived at MIU Santa Barbara and Fairfield as a teenager. No one had custody of me. Maharishi told my mother I was better off at MIU unsupervised. My mother's children would benefit from her prolonged rounding to purify the family.

Many TM parents leave their children for months on end, while parents attend TTC or other advanced programs. Children are often left with a hodge podge of caretakers.

Does statutory rape, as often occurs with TM young girls while parents are in Program, count as a family "benefit" or "side effect" to familial devotion with TM?

Of course, such occurences are blamed upon the girl's negative karma, and the ignorance or stress (release?) of the perpetrators.

Such occurences generally are not reported, lest the victim(s) would be denied admission to the TM Sidhi program or to Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment (MSAE).

One young girl in elementary school (now an adult coming to visit me this weekend) was refused admittance to Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment (MSAE), after thorough interogation before an all male board of well-suited MSAE faculty. They interogated her in detail about a prior childhood sexual molestation. Her mother's presence was forbidden for this unique "admissions interview," as the interview board wanted an objective evaluation of the child. Of course, none of the interview panel were child therapists, as Maharishi abhors therapy. After this grueling voyeristic experience, the child was denied attendance to MSAE as "her impurity would taint the rest of the student body." She said that experience of blame-the- victim was more damaging than was the original sexual molestation.

When someone attempted to be sexually inappropriate with my then six year old, I intervened and spoke to the man in question. I also spoke to mothers of other little girls with whom he played. The other mothers denied there was a concern, saying he played an innocent game with little girls by pulling down their panties and tickling their six year old bottoms. This "Governor" stayed home from group program, providing childcare free of charge for other TM parents while they meditated for hours daily.

This IS the TMO at work where many families are concerned. I know many personal accounts of sexual, physical, drug abuse and neglected children as parents pursued enlightenment. The numbers are too high for coincidence. The parents are, by and large, well intentioned under-the-influence, True Believers. We've all been there.

Many middle aged TM married men left their wives for their teenage babysitters.

One story on trancenet, by an anonymous contributer, details personal abuses of a TM-child. I do not know this young woman. I know many similar stories. From my life, and those coming through my home on a regular basis. I safely vouch for the authenticity of her experience. I admire her courage to come forth on trancenet. I am familiar with the settings and common social dynamics that she describes.
"Annie's Story" can be read here.

Not everyone had tragic experiences. However, neglected children's stories should not be denied.

They tell me, "Things are changing for the families now. Administration tells parents to stay home from Program if their child has more then two problem incidents."

Why must parents be told to be present for their children? Why wait until after trouble occurs? Why is child-trouble so commonplace, that TM administration creates a policy around the issue? What created the follower-mentality?

Sometimes it is hard to distinguish the effect of TM-the-technique from TM-the-organization. For practical purposes, they are one and the same. That is why the term "cult" is appropriate.

Three generations of my family are affected by TM.
I have three wonderful TM-born children. That IS something good from TM!

Happy Valentine's Day.

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