Offworld is without doubt the most ignorant fool when it comes to
supernovae.  I'm astounded that I had to bother to announce this --
what the hell are the rest of you folks thinking to let Offworld spew
absolute nonsense at you like that and not one of you had the idea to,
like, what?, maybe Google the word "supernova?"  

This group doesn't deserve me setting it straight about Offworld's
misinformation.  Look it up yourselves and stop being so uninformed,
and do something about the spouting of pure crappola from creeps like
Offworld -- an amazingly dense block of ignorance.

There's some good thought posted here, but sometimes, it just isn't
worth the scrolling past all the posts of the idiots to find them.  I
feel a loss of personal integrity to see these dangerous pricks
running amuck in our culture and just sit here like the rest of you
and do nothing about it -- like, never come back here again and be
exposed to such low mentalities.  I wish the good writers here would
pack up and leave -- then I could stop coming here.


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