In a message dated 2/26/2007 12:55:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

The more you think about it, how appropriate M. looks as a  representative of 
SBS to the west.  Overall he did a  pretty successful job I'd say!  The 
question now is:  what are  we going to do with it?

curtisdeltablues  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
Lou: > Guru Dev was not a supporter of the caste system. He said  he
was because he was dealing with the
collective consciousness of  India. He did wait awhile before taking
the seat. As a teacher in a dark  age you have to speak the language of
the audience. If you don't no one  will listen and judgement sets in
and people don't like you anymore. He  knew that if he said the caste
system was not appropriate for spiritual  evolution
that the people of India would have spit on him. It's a  funny
business. The teacher ends up being at the mercy of their audience  and
ends up after death with all kinds of stories and opinions that  are
either truthful or not.

ME: Gandhi was an opponent to the  caste system and was,and still is,
revered as a saint in India, although  not by MMY for his anti-caste

MMY has spoken in support  of the caste system on many occasions.
He has also spoken about Guru  Dev's support of the caste system.
It was part of his job description as  Shankaracharya, to uphold 
the caste system. MMY spent a few lectures in  India in 1980 speaking
about the value of the caste system. 

You  are arguing a fantasy perspective of MMY with people who have
spent (in  Rick's case) considerable time with the guy.

Lou: I know how Guru Dev  feels because as a teacher " I have taught
Yoga and meditation since  1995" I can see how people will have their
own opinions and judgements  about what you say.

Me: I've spent a considerable amount of time  under a beach umbrella
so I know how Guru Dev feels too.

You tend  to twist what I say around to suit your own thoughts and
feelings Rick.  You have all the answers. Now-how do we stop all of the
violence in the  world from manifesting? Please don't give me the
non-dualism stuff to  avoid answering the question.

> In a message dated 2/25/2007  9:17:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
>  From: FairfieldLife@ FairfieldLi  FairfieldLife@<WBR>yahoogr
> FairOn  Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 5:06 PM
>  To: FairfieldLife@ FairfieldLi Fa
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:  FF meets with Bevan
>  Guru Dev is not at all happy with the way MMY is running  the
organization. I 
> remember when I worked for Deepak who hired  a Tony Robbins sales
person to 
> come in and call people up and  try to get them to sign up for his
> Seminar. Guru Dev  is not happy with exploiting the teachings for
profit. He 
> would  rather see us all work together and unify our commonalities
rather than  
> create more dualism. Remember, it was his master who encouraged  him
to take the 
> seat of the Shankacharya. 
> No it wasn't.  He became Shankaracharya when he was 70. His master
was long 
>  gone. His master initiated him into Sanyasa at the age of 30 or so. 
>  A soul who have tasted the transcendent has no use in caste systems.  
> As I understand it, Guru Dev was a staunch supporter of the caste  
> He was uncomfortable with the whole arrangement which  he avoided
for years. 
> How do you know? Did he tell you?  
> I would seek his blessings and console when trying to deal  with
> towards MMY. I will always love MMY. The TMO and  MMY cannot take
away the 
> profound effect they have had on my  life. I will let divine
judgment do the 
> evaluation of MMY and  give MMY the space to work out his own
evolution. Regardless 
> if  he lies or is motivated solely by money, or he has sexual
affairs with  
> women or whoever is non-of my business. Everyone is evaluated  at
some point and 
> given proper guidelines to help them try again  to do it better the
next time. 
> I agree with all that. 
>  The unvarnished truth? Well, that you won't find until you give it 
>  completely up to the one without a second. 
> I'm not talking about  that kind of truth. I’m just referring to
simple facts 
> about  MMY or the Movement. I don't take a TB point of view, nor to
I take a  
> TM-Ex point of view. If some point about MMY or the TMO comes  up,
my only 
> consideration is whether or not it’s true. I don't  have an agenda
which would 
> cause me to support one theory or  another, in order to preserve
some attitude, 
> positive or  negative. There are people on this forum which do that
all the 
>  time â€" Nabulous with has “spotless saint” perspective â€"
others  who don't give 
> MMY a shred of credit or all the good he’s done.  
> Leaders from India should work together and all meditate at  the
same time. 
> We would have the ME overnight and allow the so  called Enlightened
> such as Amachi, SSRS, Mother Meera  and whoever else is out their to
create world 
> peace by working  together. By working together. By working
together. By 
> working  together. 
> They are working together. They don’t have to meld  their 
> And, if enlightened masters cannot work  together to create world
peace then 
> it is impossible to create  world peace. This is unvarnished truth.
Praise the 
> Lord.Love and  Light. Lou Valentino PS: You still haven't answered my 
> question-"  If Amachi's hugs are that powerful then why are you still
looking for  
> the unvarnished truth". Try to answer the question Rick because  I'm
trying to 
> answer yours. Your avoidance technique is not  working for me.
> I don’t understand the  question. Or you don’t understand what I
mean by “
>  unvarnished truth.” I think I explained it above. There’s no
reason  why my 
> involvement with Amma should cause me to want to take refuge  in
> notions, in order to preserve some emotional  attachment.
> > Guru  Dev was not a supporter of the caste system. He said he was 
> he was dealing with the
> collective consciousness of India.  He did wait awhile before taking
> seat. As a teacher in a  dark age you have to speak the language of
the audience. 
> If you  don't no one will listen and judgement sets in and people
don't like  
> you anymore. He knew that if he said the caste system was  not
appropriate for 
> spiritual evolution
> that the people  of India would have spit on him. It's a funny
business. The 
>  teacher ends up being at the mercy of their audience and ends up
after  death 
> with all kinds of stories and opinions that are either  truthful or not. 
> I know how Guru Dev feels because as a  teacher " I have taught Yoga
> meditation since 1995" I can  see how people will have their own
opinions and 
> judgements about  what you say. You tend to twist what I say around
to suit your 
>  own thoughts and feelings Rick. You have all the answers. Now-how do
we  stop 
> all of the violence in the world from manifesting? Please  don't
give me the 
> non-dualism stuff to avoid answering the  question.
> Organizations are working together when they are  emphasizing
meditation at 
> the exact same time in all of the  groups to generate enough silence.
> would be the primary  aspect that binds all of the spiritual groups
> They are  not doing that now. The spiritual teachers of today are
spending most  
> of their time figuring out how they can raise enough money to  keep
their own 
> organizations alive to pay the rent. So many  spiritual leaders with
their own 
> thoughts regarding their own  experiences of enlightenment have
inspired many 
> people but none  of them get along that well. MMY was with
Muktananda at one 
>  point and their were pictures taken. MMY had everyone throw away  any
> of them together. My point: their own traditions do  not allow them
to merge. 
> They get caught up in dualism and  thinking that the students will be 
> confused because the paths are  different.
> And, most of the teachers know how to sell their  traditions well but
> have not found a way for the wars to  stop. With Guru Mai it's her
magical touch 
> of the finger or  peacock feather, with Amachi it's her magical
hugs, with 
> MMY  it's his magical secret mantras, with SSRS it's his magical
> technique, with Sathya Sai Baba it's his magical  manifestations,
with Mother Meera 
> it's her magical transference  of divine light, etc...... And the wars 
> continue. People are  running here and there for the magical
experience of 
>  enlightenment and the traditions of India seems to feed on this. I
have  and still do 
> participate in many of these traditions but the  leaders are not
> enough that everyone is special not  just Avatars or Maharishi's.
Everyone is a 
> leader and the need  for people to lead at this point instead of
just sitting 
> back  and waiting for enlightenment or for someone else to do it for
them is  
> so vital for world peace. 
> The day when all of the  teachers from India come together on the
same stage 
> with all of  their devotees present will be the day that world peace
dawns. I 
>  call this " Simplify the Mind Organization" which brings all forms of  
> meditation under the same roof and will be inviting all  teachers
from all traditions 
> to join in at the same time to  meditate together regardless of
where they 
> are. No other teacher  has presented this as they are so busy with
their own 
>  organizations and techniques. The paths of devotion are coming to an
end  because 
> we are moving into
> Sat Yuga which will be more  obvious from 2008-2012. MMY will pass
> space ships will be  landing in
> Fairfield Iowa and a new wave of inspiration will be  coming from
other races 
> more advanced than us. The teachers of  today are holding everything
> in preparation for an  expanded version of how to live life without 
> on this  planet. I will be helping the Pleadians introduce this new 
system of  
> life as well as many others. Until then, life goes on. As Tom  Petty
put it in 
> one of his songs " The waiting is the hardest  part". 
> Anyway, Rick I know you have all of the answers and  I don't want to
> to feel like I am trying to convince  you that anything I say has any
> to it. I appreciate your  responses and look forward to hugging you.
Your hug 
> will be just  as valuable as Amachi's is. Lsoma. 
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> Yes, Guru Dev and MMY speak good things about the caste system only to  
please the consciousness of India. India in many ways is backwards in  
progressive thinking. I believe OSHO has written much about how conservative  
India had 
become. Guru Dev was approached for years in the jungles and was not  
comfortable with all of the label stickers. MMY is still holding onto the  
approach because he is a volunteer from the beginning levels of the  fifth 
dimension. The puja is not necessary to initiate someone. I still do it  for
myself but it only adds more confusion to the public and one of the reasons  
why TM has lost popularity with the school systems. The Holy Tradition which  
started about 70,000 years ago in the 2nd Epic of Atlantis did not base their  
teachings around anyone or anything outside of the Self. MMY is a bit 
religious.  I love the religious aspect because I have both Mercury (Ruler of 
Rising) and  my Sun in the 9th house. Anyway,
it wasn't even called the Vedic tradition until the Aryan race entered  
India. If you don't believe me then find
a person who can read into the Akashic Records. Ask them about the Holy  
Tradition. Not just the extended
version from India but where it started in Atlantis. Again, Enlightened  
souls have very little care about the labels and are very patient with students 
who continue to believe that structure has anything to do with pure awareness.  
In a past life as a politician in India I was against the caste system which  
creates inequality by emphasising the differences in people. Anywhere where  
there is the need to feel that someone else is above another is a part of the  
ego. The Pope comes to mind and his administration. I was killed by a Brahman 
in  that lifetime for speaking up. In the present i visit a Lakshmi temple in 
 Ashland, MA and love the
Hindu performances and the devotional quality towards Lakshmi and the other  
gods. I try not to judge anyone
else's level of growth by the caste system. Even  Guru Dev or MMY felt  the 
caste system is valuable, I am disagreeing with them. Those who are truly  
evolved have grown out of the cradles of structure.  Lsoma.
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