Master's article
The gathering of the Forces of Light 
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

Important events are taking place in many parts of the world. People 
everywhere will be astonished by the reports. These will include 
sightings, in unprecedented numbers, of spacecraft from our 
neighbouring planets, Mars and Venus in particular. Nothing like this 
increased activity, over vast areas of the Earth, will have been seen 
before. Those who have steadfastly refused to take seriously the 
reality of this phenomenon will find it difficult to deny. More and 
more accounts of contact with the occupants of the spacecraft will 
add their testimony to the fact of their existence. Miraculous 
happenings of all kinds will continue and multiply in number and 
variety. The minds of men will be baffled and amazed by these 
wonders, and this will cause them to ponder deeply.


Into this wonder-filled, wondering world Maitreya will quietly enter 
and begin His open work. He will be asked to counter their doubts and 
fears, to explain these happenings and He will vouchsafe their 
validity. These extraordinary events will continue unabated and cause 
many to prophesy the ending of the world. Maitreya, however, will 
continue in His simple way and interpret differently these events.
Thus will Maitreya encourage men to see the marvellous breadth and 
scope of life, the many layers of which man knows but little till 
now. Gently He will introduce them bit by bit to the basic truths of 
our existence, the Laws which govern it, and the benefits achieved by 
living within these Laws. He will acquaint man with the vastness of 
our Galaxy and show that, in time, men of Earth will conquer Space 
and Time. He will encourage men to seek within, as well as without, 
for the answers to their problems, and validate their constant 
connection to each other and to Cosmos. He will remind humanity of 
its long history and of the many perils which man has overcome. He 
will sow the seeds of faith in our own illustrious future and 
vouchsafe the eternal divinity of man. He will show that the path of 
life, the evolutionary journey, leads unfailingly upwards as well as 
for ever onwards, and that to make the journey together, as brothers 
and sisters, is the surest way and the way most lit by joy. Look, 
then, for the signs of Maitreya's entrance, make it known, and uplift 
the hope of your brothers.

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