UFO sightings worldwide

As Benjamin Creme's Master indicates in His article `The gathering of 
the Forces of Light', it seems that we have now reached a phase in 
which certain activities are being stepped up in frequency and 
intensity. As so vividly illustrated in that article, we may now look 
forward to widespread sightings of spacecraft and other signs of 
Maitreya's emergence. A substantial part of `Signs of the Times' is 
therefore devoted to reports of such sightings from all over the 
world. This is no doubt just the beginning of an inspiring chapter in 
Hierarchical activity. 
London, uk – 
At least 30 people witnessed a "squadron" of orange lights in the 
skies above Archway, north London, at around 5.30pm on Thursday 2 
February 2007. Drivers stopped their cars to view the mysterious 
lights hovering in the sky. People screamed and police received 
several calls within a few minutes about the sightings. Alix 
McAlister, 34, a local resident and market trader, was picking up his 
son from nursery when he noticed the lights: "There was a group of 
them – 10 to 15 of them moving together. My first impression was that 
they reminded me of a squadron of aeroplanes in formation. But they 
didn't have a proper formation and they were moving at the same 
speed…. Bombs and planes crossed my mind. But I realised very quickly 
that they didn't look like any aircraft I'd seen before." McAlister 
described how "they kind of stopped and they were hovering. There was 
no sound. They seemed to fade away and I saw more coming and then 
they stopped. It lasted about 10 minutes".
Designer James Zagar, from Crouch End, watched the spectacle from the 
same road. Describing the "balls of light in the sky", he said: "They 
were all moving together. They stopped and then they came on again 
and there must have been about 12 of these things all moving across 
the sky."
Tom Cull, 27, a vision mixer working in the area, came outside to 
find a crowd of people staring up at the sky. "There were at least 30 
people watching," he said. "Cars had stopped. It was kind of eerie. 
What I found strange about these things was the way they moved. The 
fact that they were so high would suggest they were quite big." Mr 
Cull said he saw the lights again when he returned home to Fortis 
Green, a few miles away. 
The Ministry of Defence said it had no reports of a "security 
incident", while the Meteorological Office ruled out any weather-
related explanation. Less than 30 minutes later, similar "strange 
orange lights" were seen 160 kilometres away in the town of Kings 
Lynn, Norfolk. (Sources: Islington Gazette, Hornsey and Crouch End 
Journal, UK)
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that the lights were spacecraft 
from Mars.)

Hawaii, usa – 
Witnesses on the southern shore of the Hawaii island of Oahu reported 
seeing unidentified lights in the northeastern sky at about 6.20pm on 
Friday 26 January 2007. Local resident Peter Hollingworth said he saw 
two lights circling in the sky. One was videoed by a local television 
station. "These two little fireballs with a stream behind it," said 
Hollingworth, "looked kind of like a shooting star but it just kept 
going. They changed directions a few times." 
The US National Weather Service said nothing appeared on their radar 
at the time of the sighting and the US Federal Aviation 
Administration did not report anything unusual. (Source: KHON/WLTX-
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that the sightings were of 
spacecraft from Mars.

southern england – 
On 24 January 2007 more than 35 people called police to report seeing 
UFOs during heavy snow in the West Sussex region of England.
The callers, including a policeman, said 50 orange lights hovered in 
the sky for 15 minutes before drifting into the night. Moira Dawson, 
57, said: "We thought they were fireworks but they didn't make any 
noise. They just floated in the snowfall." Another witness near 
Gatwick airport in West Sussex said: "We thought it was an invasion." 
(Source: The Mirror, UK)
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that the sightings were of 
spacecrafts from Mars.)

western iran – 
Witnesses in the city of Bouyer Ahmad in western Iran reported two 
sightings of UFOs in a period of two days in January 2007. On 15 
January 2007, people reported seeing a glowing object "with a yellow 
ray and a bright reddish colour in the centre" hovering at low 
altitude over the city for more than an hour, beginning at about 7pm. 
Two days later, a similar object was seen in the sky in the same area 
and at the same time of day.
About a week prior to the UFO sightings, there were reports of a UFO 
crash in the Barez Mountains in the central Iranian province of 
Kerman. The crash was reportedly witnessed by people in several 
cities, and occurred about 100 kilometres from the provincial capital 
city of Kerman. Witnesses said that a radiant UFO, on fire and 
emitting thick smoke, crashed to the ground, causing an explosion. 
The deputy governor general of Kerman province said the crash could 
not have been an airplane or helicopter because all aircraft flying 
through the area on that day had been accounted for. He said that 
police and other authorities were investigating the crash. (Source: 
Fars News Agency, Iran; United Press International)
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that the sightings were of 
spacecraft from Mars. He also explains that the crash was deliberate: 
the occupants had exited the vehicle and the craft was considered old 
and expendible and not worth repairing. It was crashed to bring 
attention to its presence.)

usa – 
When retired Air Force Colonel Brian Fields, 61, saw mysterious, 
colourful lights hovering over western Arkansas on 9 January 2007 he 
had "no idea what they were". With 32 years experience piloting F-16 
fighter jets he said: "I believe these lights were not of this world, 
and I feel a duty and responsibility to come forward." Just before 
7pm, he saw two intensely bright lights close to the horizon as he 
looked to the southeast. "At first I thought they were landing lights 
from an aircraft. As I continued to observe them they slowly began to 
disappear, then suddenly one reappeared, followed by two, then three. 
On at least one occasion four or five appeared. Each time they would 
slowly fade and eventually disappear. This occurred several times and 
when they would reappear they might do so in differing numbers and in 
different positions, sometimes in a triangular shape, sometimes 
stacked on top of each other, sometimes line abreast, etc. When the 
objects appeared they might stay illuminated for 10 or more minutes." 
Fields photographed numerous images of the lights and sent his story 
to the WorldNetDaily.com website. The story received such exposure 
that it prompted many others to write saying they witnessed a similar 
"When I read this story, I literally got chill bumps all over my 
body, because it was exactly as I remember it also," said Will 
Childers of Camden, Arkansas, who says he saw the same lights on 10 
January 2007 at approximately 7.15pm in southern Arkansas. 
Richard Mobley, a software developer who commutes from Scottsdale, 
Arizona, to his home in Tucson, also says he witnessed "the same 
exact thing" Fields had described, noting his incident took place on 
15 November 2006. Mobley recalls: "They appeared over the Gila Indian 
Reservation and moved southeast. I saw one, then two, then three, 
then four and five of these objects light up. Each lit up at a 
different time and went out at different times. Sometimes they would 
be in a row, and at other times they would appear stacked close to 
each other (bunched up or on top of each other). They were moving 
about 6,000 to 10,000 feet off the ground, high enough to fly over 
the mountain range. The light (when lit) was a round, super-intense 
amber light which seemed to illuminate the ground below them. They 
would light up for about five to seven minutes and then dim down and 
go out. After about three minutes of being out, they would light back 
up, going from dim to intense amber light. There was an aircraft in 
the area which had landing lights on as well as a beacon light (red 
and green on the wings and tail) so to distinguish between these 
objects and a plane was easy. The amount of light given off at the 
height at which they were flying showed these objects were quite 
In Belton, Texas, Jim Martin, a national sales manager for Clear 
Channel Radio, says he too "observed a bright, white round light 
looking exactly like Colonel Fields' pictures", but his sighting was 
on 22 December 2006.
Jeff Pement of Pensacola, Florida, says he saw the same 
phenomenon. "Except for the duration of time the lights stay visible, 
the description of the lights is exactly as I have seen it … When I 
read Colonel Fields' words describing what he saw, it was as if I was 
relating the event to someone." (Source: WorldNetDaily.com)
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms these all to be authentic sightings 
of spacecraft from Mars.)

chicago, usa – 
On 7 November 2006 dozens of employees at O'Hare International 
Airport, Chicago, witnessed a flying-saucer object hover low over the 
airport for several minutes before bolting through thick clouds with 
such intense energy it left an "eerie hole in overcast skies". Some 
witnesses, interviewed by the Chicago Tribune, said they were upset 
that neither the government nor the airline planned to investigate 
the incident. 
The UFO was first seen at 4.30pm, just before sunset, by a United 
Airlines ramp worker who was directing a plane at Gate C17. Witnesses 
reported the object as dark grey and well-defined in the overcast 
skies. They said the craft, estimated to be up to 24 feet in 
diameter, rotated like a frisbee and hovered silently in the sky, 
just below the 1,900-foot cloud deck, until shooting off into the 
"I tend to be scientific by nature, and I don't understand why aliens 
would hover over a busy airport," said a United Airlines 
mechanic. "But I know that what I saw and what a lot of other people 
saw stood out very clearly, and it definitely was not an aircraft." 
All the witnesses, including several pilots, said they are certain it 
was not an aeroplane, helicopter, weather balloon or any other craft 
known to man. One of the pilots on the ground reportedly opened a 
windscreen in the cockpit to get a better view of the object, 
estimated to be hovering 1,500 feet above the ground. The object then 
suddenly accelerated straight up through the solid overcast 
skies: "It was like somebody punched a hole in the sky," leaving an 
open hole of clear air in the cloud layer, which disappeared within a 
few minutes. (Source: Chicago Tribune, USA) 
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms this to be a sighting of a 
spacecraft from Mars


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