--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Mr. Magoo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fortunately for me, I kept an open mind and NEVER compromised my
> objectivity like these morons did! I've read most the great Masters from
> the East and the esoteric traditions from the West.
> Been meditating now for almost 39 years, (started at 16) I experienced
> the bliss MMY and all the Yogis talk about around 1970 in the quietude
> of our little potting shed behind our house in Los Angeles.
> Quietly repeating the mantra, I momentary lost consciousness and woke up
> in the most blissfull state of consciousness I have ever
> experienced...exactly what MMY said was available thru this TM
> technique.
> I have continued to expand my knowledge and experience of Sanatana
> Dharma, the eternal Religion of the Vedas.  Thanks to MMY, and using my
> little God given brain, I have continued to grow thru TM....AND, keeping
> an open mind!
> Is TM the final word or the final teaching.....don't know, I'm still
> engaged in research!
> What a bunch of Morons on TMFreeBlog!

Dear Mr. Magoo,

It's unfortunate, but you prove by your hostility exactly what so many have 
said before, 
that for many TM simply does not lead to spirituality as understood in 
Judaism, Islam, or even Hinduism.

I'm pleased for you that you are pleased with your TM results/experiences. It 
works for you.

That's great!

Why not simply disagree, whether here or in comments on 
http://tmfree.blogspot.com/ -- 
and skip the name calling?

The first 3 sutras that the Maharishi teaches are friendliness, compassion, 
happiness. You 
may not realize it, but calling people "morons" isn't likely to convince others 
that you are 
experiencing any of the three.

John M. Knapp

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