--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Mason" 
>  Q. Isn't it true to say that the Maharishi is nothing other than 
> opportunistic?
>  A. Yup
>  Q. self-promoting 
>  A. Yup
>  Q. maverick, 
>  A. Yup
>  Q. who wilfully misleads his supporters 
>  A. Yup
>  Q. and anyone else who has the time, the inclination and the money 
> to listen to him?
>  A. Yup
>  Q. Some say the TM method is a good one, some say not?
>  A. Yup
> Although I believe that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has used deceptive 
> means to spread the teaching of transcendental meditation, I am 
> confident that his motives have been well intended. 
> Although I have voiced criticism of Maharishi, it should not be 
> construed that I believe him to have just been in it for the money 
> the fame.

Suggested rewrite:

"Isn't it true to say that the Maharishi isn't in
it just for the fame or money, but is nothing other
than an opportunistic, self-promoting, well-
intentioned maverick, who with the best of motives 
wilfully misleads his supporters and anyone else who
has the time, the inclination and the money to listen
to him?"

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