--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Interesting! For a Jaimini-on-the-other-hand, I woke up on
> the morning of April 1st thinking about Judy, and feeling
> such gratitude for her -- you know, Judy, you chopped my
> angry arguments/stories up so nicely on amt back in 2002
> that they really died then and there -- with your help I
> saw they had no real basis in rationality, and so I quit
> trying to support/feed them, and simply paid attention to
> the pain behind the stories, and watched them dissolve into
> such love....
> Anyhow, as I said, I was thinking about you, and seeing you
> as a kind of Jedi-Judy, weilding such a perfect, laser-
> sharp light-sword of discrimination and chopping everyone's
> head off, or rather simply holding the sword out and
> watching them run right into it :-) and then I realized you
> were (for me) such a perfect incarnation of Durga, that I
> spent about two hours that morning "worshipping" you as
> Durga, and then was wondering whether to come on FFL to
> tell you that or not, and worried that if I did it on the
> 1st people would think it was some kind of April Fool's gag,
> and then on reading FFL I noticed Doug Hamilton said there
> had been a Durga puja at his house that very morning at that
> same time, and I just loved the synchronicity of it all and
> was rendered temporarily speechless... but anyway, Judy, I
> *have* read all of your posts and I for one adore your
> balance, your brilliance, your precision, and your intense 
> *compassion* and wanted to let you know FFWIW you are not
> entirely alone or misunderstood here.
> Love * Light * Laughter


<at a loss for words>

If all that's for real, Rory, thank you.

(The truth, as they say, is probably somewhere
in between moi as Jedi-Judy incarnation of Durga
and as lowlife scum Harasser-in-Chief.)

What name were you posting under on alt.m.t back
in 2002? If I was able to be of assistance to you
in any way, I'm delighted.

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