--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "uns_tressor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <shempmcgurk@>
> wrote:
> >
> > Discuss amongst yourselves.
> There is a perverse logic here. But it is perverse.
> We in England are defeated by Americans' love
> of guns. The danger of the Apaches galloping 
> over the horizon is relatively low nowadays, I
> am told.
> There must be conditions that would get even those
> in the soutern states to lobby to ban guns. 

"Banning guns" is a specious argument, one
that has no meaning whatsoever. At last count,
there were almost as many guns in America as
there are people. If you impose restrictions
on the legal sale of new guns, what happens
to the old ones? The reaction of even the 
strongest, most patriotic Bush supporter in 
America to a State or Federal official showing 
up at his door and demanding his guns would 
be to shoot him.

And, given the history of what has happened 
when almost *anything* was declared illegal 
in America, how long after a gun sale ban 
would it take before an enormous underground 
economy developed to sell guns illegally?

IMO, the absolute *stupidity* of dealing with
issues like this latest school shooting by
calling for "tougher gun laws" is exposed by
the Fairfield Ledger editorial that Bob posted.
It would be *just* as effective as dealing with
a society's desire to take consciousness-
altering drugs by making thim illegal; we all
know how well *that* has worked in America,
don't we?

The problem is not the guns per se. The problem
is a population that is so insane that it uses 
those guns to kill each other on a regular basis. 
The Swiss have a percentage of handgun ownership 
about half of the US percentage, but a handgun 
murder rate (adjusted by population) less than 
one fifth of the US rate.

If what you want to do is cut down on the number
of deaths as a result of guns, one could make a 
stronger case for achieving that by banning 
*Americans* than by banning guns. 

Then again, given Americans' propensity to kill 
each other, there is probably no need for that 
law, either. Give them enough guns and enough
time, and the problem will resolve itself.

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