--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"

> My criticism of selling yagyas 
> comes from its theory as well as its
> practice.  I don't know of any plausible theory of how offering, smoke
> and food to statues of Indians mythological characters can have an
> effect on the world without proposing a magical connection. (poetic
> physicsy sounding words don't cut it for me)  MMY is selling an
> ancient religion's world view.  I don't share it, so his sincerity or
> lack of it as he scoops up the bucks is irrelevant. 

You said previously that you do not "believe" in yagyas. Is this based
on experience or simply a belief? it appears the latter. You discount
my experience -- thats fine. Particularly if you have repeated
personal experience in which no value was gained, and no experience
was occuring. 

Thats quite counter to my personal experience. Starting with pujas --
not a yagya per se, but they are "offering, smoke and food to ... "
images. Did you never feel anything from doing a puja. Did you ever
initaite 20-30 people in a day? And felt nothing? If so, I can only
say "amazing". 

If you did feel something from pujas, do you discount the experience,
because you don't know of any plausible theory of how it works? Do you
require such plausible theories in all areas of your life? Falling in
love? Appreciating music? I would find it odd anyone who does not
believe such experiences until they are well vested the theory and
research as to which neurotransmittors are triggering various
receptors? I like that too -- but tend to still enjoy the experience

Have you participated in a number of yagyas and homas, making
offerings along with the priest(s), feeling the heat of the offering
fire, for hours long offerings? If so, and you felt nothing? Amazing
if so. Highly counter to my experience. If you have not participated
in such, how can you possibly discount the experience of others as
misguided mood making?

Have you had large yagyas done for you at traditional temples? and
didn't feel anything? Amazing if so. Again, highly counter to my
experience. If you have not had such done, it seems an odd basis to
form strong beliefs about such. 

You seem to make a distinction about selling yagyas. Are yagyas OK as
long as they are not sold? In this view, can the pundits collect out
of pocket expenses for materials? But it need be volunteer labor -- or
can they charge a fair wage? I have had some yagyas done for me that
were paid for and some for free. I have participated in  yagyas and
homas in which I contributed nothing and others that i sponsored a
large part of it. Both are fulfilling. I am not sure I see your point
about "selling" I have never had a TMO yagya -- but the ones I have
sponsored, no on is getting rich. 

We share an appreciation of rationalism and empirical evidence (
though I find, in my life, sometimes i have to live with experience
alone, not always having a clear theory and empirical findings to
articulate and explain such.) That you appear to be blasting something
you have no experince with is puzzling.

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