Chopra's father stabilised Maharishi when he was sick in 1992, in india and 
sent him to London.
    Do you think Maharishi is grateful to Chopra for that.??  Why erase all 
traces of his association with the TM mov 't.??

Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 19:24:12 -0000
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fascist America, in 10 easy steps

  The TM fascists did this too.

> 1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy

The CIA was said to have infiltrated the TM movement, Christians were
openly trying to stop the movement in schools and were considered as
evil, L.B. was publishing "a rag of unstressing. " Easy to make
enemies appear out of nowhere -- like aces in the hand of a card shark.

> 2. Create a gulag

One loses one's dome badge, and one is instantly an outsider. The
meditating kids sent to the public schools were, as if, sent to a
gulag. The shame of our community is that it sent half the tuition
money to International instead of using it to keep all our kids inside
our group hug. Many people were banned to such a degree that if one
was to associate with that person, one would get on the same
blacklist. I was personally told -- immediately after becoming an
initiator -- that I was never to have anything to do with Johnny Gray.
Why? Don't ask, they warned. The movement has never been shy about
telling us who was not to be listened to or otherwise one would be
sent to the psychological gulag of "outside status."

> 3. Develop a thug caste

The course office personnel. Then there were those nazi-types in
Germany who tried to completely surround Maharishi and cut him off
from the rest of the movement. Maharishi has treated many
international thugs-dictators with more respect than most meditators
EVER get from the movement. Try to get Bevan to listen to anything
negative about the movement and see if he doesn't immediately come off
as a dictator with all the rights and privileges thereof. I once went
to give the movement a donation, and I ended up having to give it to
this guy whose name escapes me (he drowned in rapids in Central America) 
  Well, I come in the door, and I say, "I'm here to give a
donation," and he snapped his fingers at me exactly like a Nazi
commandant and said, "Give to me," in a very brusque voice. He took
the check and never said or even hinted at a "thank you." I was
dismissed without another word from him. That was one of my BETTER
moments with movement types.

> 4. Set up an internal surveillance system

I was blacklisted during teacher training, and I got off by knowing
someone who had clout -- otherwise, I'd still be there -- wouldn't
have gotten my mantras. When I was interviewed by Maharishi during a
pre-technique interview, he wrote next to my photo, "clean now,"
meaning my beard in the photo had been shaved. Anyone in the movement
think they're not being watched? I have had perfect status since I
got off the blacklist, was a very strong initiator, ran a center for
eight years, taught 3% of Napa, CA to meditate, and lived on almost
zero income, moved to Fairfield, did dome twice daily, raised my kids
with the dogma, and yet, because I'm posting here, I'm willing to bet
that I cannot get a dome badge now. 

> 5. Harass citizens' groups

Ask L.B. about this. Ask how almost anyone in power in the movement
can arch an eyebrow and say, "Maharishi wouldn't like that," and
suddenly, one understands about the subtlety of harassment. 

> 6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release

I was called on the carpet when I got on the blacklist. I had to
explain myself, then I was "released," and of course, I told my story
to others and the fear spread from that too. Sigh.....

> 7. Target key individuals

So many cannot show their faces in Fairfield and have any hope of
comfort. Anyone with a dome badge just cannot "be free;" the party
line is spewed by everyone or they're banned; the targeting of
individuals is done in the back room, and no one hardly ever is told
why or how to rectify the situation.

> 8. Control the press

Ask L.B. how long his rag was allowed to be freely distributed on
campus. Ask anyone who has ever worked on any TM publication if their
ideas had any chance of being sincerely attended to if it involved,
you know, suggesting less gold ink, or perhaps marketing might be
improved by using less photos of groups of smarmy looking Hindus who
were seemingly on the verge of death but who were on the stage and
posing as great health practitioners -- whatever, there was no freedom
to be creative outside the TM box. 

> 9. Dissent equals treason

Ask John Lennon why he left India. Once you cross the movement in
some serious way, it just becomes clear immediately that a bridge has
been burned forever, that the movement NEVER was really interested in
dialog -- only brainwashing and groveling.

> 10. Suspend the rule of law

When I'd finally saved up enough "credits" by initiating to get on a
sidhi course, they said, "All that money's been taken away." Luckily,
it was "just then a new policy," and I was able to squeak loudly
enough to get the course. But the movement will make up any rule and
expect that if one is harmed by that that one much just suck it up and
shut completely up about it, and never, never, never expect the
movement to respect one for any amount of true believerism on one's
part. Ask Chopra. After he'd gotten so many media cameras to think,
"Hey, maybe this TM thing works, cuz look here's a very together guy
espousing it -- with credentials no less" -- the movement dumped him
like he was radioactive and then tried revisionist history making as
they erased all traces of his association with TM.

Edg the Badgeless

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