"The Meditating Professional: 
How to Bring the TM Program into the Work Place"

From: "TM Program NYC" <newyorktmprogram @ globalcountry.net> 
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007

Dear Governors, Citizen Sidhas, and Meditators,

A major new initiative to bring the Transcendental Meditation program 
to the boardroom and the workplace is being launched next week. 
This national outreach will begin in the Boston and greater 
New York City areas through a series of seminars 
from April 30 to May 4.(Please see www.TMBusiness.org for details.)

Heading up the initiative is Dr. John Hagelin, director of 
the newly established Center for Leadership Performance 
at Maharishi University of Management, and Bob Brown, a retired 
top executive at the Ziff-Davis media corporation. 
Many other top executives and physicians are taking leadership roles 
in the new outreach, including Ramani Ayer, chairman and CEO of 
The Hartford Financial Services (one of the largest companies 
in America).

The upcoming seminar series, entitled "The Meditating Professional"
will be held in Boston on April 30 and May 1, 
Greenwich/Westchester on May 2, 
New York City on May 3, and 
Long Island on May 4. 

Thank you and all best wishes,
Jai Guru Dev

Office of the Raja of New York

Please see http://www.TMBusiness.org for details

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