
Thanks for your response.  It's like an "all you can eat buffet" --
nay -- more like "all you can force yourself to eat using a plumber's
helper to cram the victuals down your gullet."  

My brain is going to get love handles from this rich fare.'s already coming up on me.  Where's my Psycho-Tums?  Man,
this stuff is like a tuna fish sandwich with onions., I'm only going to ask you one question per week....


Can't I go back to 15 - 20 minutes twice a day and take it easy?


--- In, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Edg, 
> Thank you for your commments on my pieces today. For some I am sure,
> they are pieces of the thing I said to follow.
> Your brain questions are way beyond my level. I searched for current
> cites on J tunneling and synapes and didn't find much. Found this
> article. Which is beyond my expertise to evaluate. However, I find a
> spectrum of articles "out there" -- from top researchers publishing in
> the best journals (10) to smart physics or neurobiology students on
> acid or meth (1). Not that the 1's are bad, but um, well, they are
> less substantiated. I am guessing this article is somewhere south of 10.
> "In the late seventies David Hudson discovered some anomalous
> materials. These materials appear to exhibit several quantum
> "behaviors" at a macro scale. They appear to be superconductors at
> body temperature, they escape from sealed containers in a way which
> suggests Josephson tunnelling and they significantly modify the
> properties of water.
> Hudson called these materials ORMEs as an acronym for Orbitally
> Rearranged Monoatomic Elements. Since some or all of these elements
> may be diatomic and since Hudson has patented these materials under
> the ORME name we refer to them as ORMUS or m-state elements (m-state
> stands for microcluster-state).
> We postulate that these materials are a Cooper-paired diatomic form of
> the precious metal elements. They exhibit superconductive properties
> at body temperature. They exclude magnetic fields and magnetically
> levitate.
> Hudson and others have isolated these elements in brain tissue and in
> many plants. We suspect that they modify the tubulin in microtubules
> to create a quantum non-local interaction between cells and perhaps
> between individuals.
> We believe that the ORMUS elements may provide a clear bridge between
> mind and matter. They appear to be involved in several biological
> processes and they also seem to be related to psychic and kundalini
> effects. Various folks who have eaten them for long periods of time
> report that they produce many of the kundalini effects spoken of in
> the Vedic texts.
> These materials match the descriptions of materials in alchemical
> traditions from China, India, Persia and Europe. Modern chemical and
> mechanical processes allow us to obtain or make these elements in
> relatively quick and easy ways, though some of my colleagues have
> followed ancient alchemical recipes as well.
> Experimental procedures for demonstrating the physical and biological
> properties of the ORMUS elements are suggested.
> Discovery
> In the late 1970s an Arizona farmer named David Hudson noticed some
> very strange materials as he was doing some gold mining on his land.
> Hudson spent several million dollars over the following decade
> figuring out how to obtain and work with these strange materials. (1)
> In 1989 David Hudson was granted patents on these materials and
> methods for obtaining them. (2)  Hudson's patents covered 11 elements,
> cobalt, nickel, copper, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, osmium,
> iridium, platinum and gold.  He later discovered that mercury also has
> an ORMUS state.
> During the early 1990s Hudson toured the United States giving lectures
> and workshops about what he had found. Transcripts of portions of
> three of David Hudson's lectures are available on the Web. (3)
> Observations
> These materials are difficult to manipulate using conventional
> chemistry. Though they don't react in the same way as their metallic
> counterparts, there is a very weak reaction, possibly due to resonance
> coupling, which allows one to do a sort of shadow chemistry with these
> elements. It appears that ancient alchemists used this "shadow
> chemistry" by repeatedly running them through the same sequence of
> chemical reactions till they got the results they wanted.
> It is also possible to manipulate these elements using magnetism or by
> using a sort of proxy chemistry where they are enticed into a chemical
> "box" and the box is manipulated.
> We have observed magnetic levitation and anti-gravity effects with
> these materials. In various lectures, Hudson claims that if ORMUS
> iridium is heated to 850 degrees Celsius that it will disappear and
> loose all weight. When the temperature is brought back down, it
> reappears and regains most of its former weight. Hudson's patent on
> these materials contains a chart generated by thermo-gravimetric
> analysis which illustrates this effect. (4) "
> --------------------------
> --- In, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > new.morning 
> > 
> > You seem hip enough to be a relative expert to moi, so let me ask for
> > your opinion on the Josephson Tunnelling that may or may not be
> > operative between synapses.  
> > 
> > If you think it's a dynamic, how do you see it being interactive with
> > the "ordinary" synaptic transmissions involving chemical transmitters?
> > 
> > If I have the thought "I love you" twice in a row, what is physically
> > different the second time it occurs?  If I think "I love you" days
> > later, does it even involve the same neurons?
> > 
> > Are we electric brains, chemo brains, fourier-transformed, direct
> > receiver of radio transmissions from the Absolute, or what?
> > 
> > Hey, I'm a postin' fool today.
> > 
> > And let me tip my hat to you new.morning.  You tickles me innards with
> > sentences precisely cut like diamonds, and I've been sparse in handing
> > out compliments to ya. Yer aces. 
> > 
> > Edg
> >

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