It was great, but no way was it improvised. A flow of bliss perhaps, but a 
carefully rehearsed one.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Duveyoung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 4:04 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hip Hop Violin

This girl is such a delight.

I thought every kid at MSAE was going to manifest this kind of
excellence -- she's astoundingly accomplished at so young an age.

But, her playing and dancing are the very least part of this video.

It is her esteem that knocks me over.  She loves "what's happening
inside her brain" so much that it cannot be contained but must be

In my eyes, she's pure, knows it, and thus there's no governor on her
accelerator.  She can just blast away knowing, trusting that flow of
bliss, assured that her joie de vivre is authentic and brought to you
without commercial (ego) interruption direct from the Absolute.

Seeing her -- as proof that life can be good -- I should be filled
with recriminations for my misspent life, but her energy leaves no
room in my heart for any other emotion than "You go, girl!"

What a thrill!


-- In, "Alex Stanley"
> I have pretty much zero appreciation for hip hop, but I *loved*
> this video:

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