On May 28, 2007, at 11:50 AM, cardemaister wrote:

> > On May 25, 2007, at 9:23 AM, shempmcgurk wrote:
> >
> > > > This just verifies what I've stated here numerous times,
> > > > that the TM myth of physical stress release from the
> > > > physical nervous system was fallacious. Where stress is
> > > > being released is in the pranic body or vajra body. It is
> > > > the pranic body that evolves.
> > >
> > > I don't understand the inconsistency between MMY's position,
> > > your's, and Muktananda's.
> > >
> > > Whether it's the "pranic body or vajra body" (although I'm not
> > > sure what "vajra body" is), isn't that still on the relative
> > > level? Whether it's actual physical body or subtle, the stress
> > > (or karma) is still stored there and has to be released.
> >
> > Karma is what tradition would state, not "stress".
> Actually, "stress" in MMY's lingo refers to samskaras,

The word "saMskaara" is actually almost the "same" as
Sanskrit in, well, Sanskrit -- which is "saMskRta".
That word, "saM-s-kRta", consists of the perfect participle
of the root "kR" (to do, etc), with the prefix "sam"
(together, etc.), and a transition consonant, or perhaps,
as per Whitney, an original consonant that's lost from
most other forms of the root "kR", which would thus have
been originally *skR (in linguistics asterix is used to
indicate hypothetical word forms).
The word "saMskaara" differs from "saMskRta" in that
the second part is a noun, "kaara", from the same root "kR".

If this is indeed what he's referring to, then please quote a source showing the equivalency in MMB's own words.

If indeed it is, and I suspect you may be right, the mediator is indeed the pranic body and it's karmic eddies not the physical nervous system (as oft advertised in TMO tracts).

There may indeed be a physical component in the nervous system, e.g. glia with an extremely short time span unmeasurable by current medical imaging technology or some short biological half-life fast neurotransmitters, but currently there is no tangible evidence to definitely arrive at such a conclusion.

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